quick update

We’ve had almost perfect fall weather the past few days. Cool in the morning and warm afternoons clear skies.

Haven’t been sleeping well lately. Not sure why. I wonder if it’s something to do with the sunlight?

I guess I need to write an update. I’m still at the same job. Got a certificate a few months ago for being there 10 years and a small check. Had to put 2 of my 3 cats to sleep. My remaining cat is Nutmeg (who Joe called NumNum). I’m still single (sort of)….and of course, it’s complicated. oh my niece is living in my house. That’s fun….Not!

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October 23, 2017

It’s good to see you back! I hope that all the ‘old’ friends will come back and things continue to be supportive.

March 12, 2018

So glad you are back. I have been busy searching for my faves from the old OD. Looking forward to reading you again!