You Again

Today I had a panic attack on a non kid day in front of lots of teachers because I was unaware that in five minutes I was to attend a training with the one principal in my life that I cannot remotely handle. He was the principal who told me I shouldn’t talk poorly about a colleague who talked about using cocaine and would sit in my room texting and not teaching. He would creep the girls out and he always looked drunk, high or medicated. I had told them I had concerns and really I just had bad scores on observations because he wrote that I didn’t get along with a colleague. A colleague who was arrested a year or so after I left that school. For being disgusting with high school girls.

The principal once wrote I didn’t pick up papers a student knocked over or address the issue when he knocked over papers on accident.

He highlighted with a pen parts of an email I wrote to a parent…the parts he didn’t like of my email.

The he and the even more terrible vice principal would often come down to tell me something I was doing wrong in my planning period.

He said I just wasn’t connecting with the kids when I was breaking my neck to connect with these traumatized kids in this small town.

I got an eye twitch from the stress these people caused me. I left that school hoping to never see his face again.

I was about to see it again after almost 9 years of not dealing with him.

And there he was leading a training on culture. It was ironic. The most ironic thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m not even sure there’s words for the irony but it’s clear that bad admin turn into bad teacher trainers.

I was taken back to my worst teaching experience date so quickly.

At one point, I was sure he saw me. I walked out of the meeting around the same time he did to get stuff from my classroom.

My hope is he was too sheepish to say anything to me since he knew that his employee was arrested and sent to jail for a year or so for misconduct and I had told him of my concerns with his behavior and he basically wrote me up and targeted me with stupid things the rest of the year.

But…he should be in charge of culture training around central Oregon. Got it.

…love that.

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