
I’m at the library. I’m able to actually write an entry.

I haven’t really felt to well for the last few days. Staring off into space. Not really able to eat very well. Headaches. Empty stomach aches. Lack of energy aches.

Work days seem to last long. I have been wasting my breaks by purging. I feel so fucking guilty about that. I’m trying to solve the purging at work problem by juts restricting more. I’ts the only thing that makes sense right now. I don’t want to purge at wrok. It’s awful. I’ts stupid…I know. But the yarn bastard….


The good news??…..I now have a door for my room. I had a curtain. Now I have a legit door. I never thought I wuold feel so excited about a door. haha. My roommate Christina built it. She knows how to do everything. It’s awesome. Unfortionatey I still can’t shut it all the way….the damn cats. But…but….the next step tp my new door (aside from a door know/handle/whatever) is a cat flap. HAHAHA. How sweet would that be? A cat falt on my bedroom door. I can’t wait, its so ridiculus thats its awesome. I want to paint the door all cool like. Or maybe paint it with chalkboard paint.

My roommates who were dating broke up. It’s sad. It was fairly amicalble and mutual though, which is good.

I hardley ever see my other roommate. She is always out with her girlfriend on "lesbian adventures" as she calls it. They both seem really happy, so thats good. It’s nice to know that they are doing well, and that there is at least some happiness around the apartment.

Francois is dong better also. He roams the apartment now. No more hidding for the most part.

I learned how to play Hwatu the other night. It’s a Korean card game. I say learn, but really I didn’t do much learning because there’s a lot of rules to the game. It was cool though and the cards were pretty. I"m going to keep trying to learn though.

We don’t have cable or internet acess at the apartment so I"ve been checking out documentaries at the library to play on my computer. Thats been pretty cool….Thats why I"m at the library now….picked up three new ones to watch.

I"m gong to go visit Evelyn and Warren later this evening. I haven’t seen them all summer, so I"m looking forward to seeing them. Evelyn wanted to invite me over to see the art she made at her art camp. Thats so cool.

The other day at camp, one of the little girls was talking with me about weather, She had been a little nervous about a storm that she thought was inevitable, and brought up the subject of hurricanes. She was quite serious…she said.."Hurricanes are girls, and then there are boy ones..boyicanes"  I tried hard to holdl it all together. I wanted to laugh, but I also fund it to be a rather clever statement. of course if it’s going to be that way, she really should have said hissicanes.

Kids are the best.

Remember Alan? Alan from camp? Professor child? I wrote about him last summer. He wil be co,ing back to camp tomorrow. He was a camp, but then left because he was unsure about our camp because of the so called ‘reading rules’ we had…..the reading rules being that he couldn’t read for the whole duration of camp. 9am-3pm…no, 6pm, because he stayed in aftercare. But I guess the other camp he went to must have had harsher reading rules…or something, because he will be back. I’m thriiled. Alan is awesome. He is going into 4th grade and is very passionate about calculus…yes, calculus. He made up a song about it. Great stuff.

The hurricane/boyicane coment was made by Julia, Alans little sister. They are quite the opposite.

I think my internet time limit is running out, but hopefully I will be able to write another entry soon.

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July 23, 2013

Good to see an entry from you! Can you distract yourself in anyway to get yourself to not purge at work? Like grab that doodle book and just doodle the shit outta something? I believe I’ve played Hwatu when I lived in Japan… I can’t remember… take care my dear! <3 ~~~>

July 26, 2013

RYN: <3 ~~~>

August 19, 2013

RYN: <3333 glad to get a note from you! Yeah, I love finding random materials and creating something out of nothing! It’s so much fun to do stuff like that! 😀 youuuu are due for an entry lady! ~~~>