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December 20, 2013
I've fallen of the face of the planet, and landed back in my parents house. Jolly good. Well....what happened? We got evicted. After all my rotating roommates quit, or lost their job, we could no longer pay rent. I was the only one left with a job, and my job alone couldn't save the place.…
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Recent Entries

  • 11/12/2013
    November 11, 2013
    The other day in therapy, (2 weeks ago) when my therapist asked how I was feeling, all I could say was this _______________________ Which to say is pretty much nothing. Its how I always seem to feel. Its always what I tell my therapist actually. Neiter happy nor sad, just ____________ I...
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  • 10/01/2013
    September 30, 2013
    Allow me to welcome myself back, if only for a breif few moments. Turns out the library computer is magic, and is the only computer I have found that will allow me to actually write here. My laptop has nearly kicked the bucket, and by that I mean the damn power cord is all messed up…
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  • boyicanes
    July 20, 2013
    I'm at the library. I'm able to actually write an entry. I haven't really felt to well for the last few days. Staring off into space. Not really able to eat very well. Headaches. Empty stomach aches. Lack of energy aches. Work days seem to last long. I have been wasting my breaks by purging.…
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  • quick
    June 27, 2013
    Its my laptop has not allowed me to write in my diary for a week. I'm at work now, which means I shouldn't be writing in my diary, but what the hell. Its been 4 and a half days since I last purged. Crazy. I'm all moved into the apartment. My roommates have dogs/cats…
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  • Eye don’t know
    June 3, 2013
    I think there is something wrong with my eye. It's driving me insane. There doesn't appear to be anything wrong, it just feels that way. Maybe it's all in my head. Its been a while. I have came here a few times and started to write only to erase it all because its all a…
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  • bow. and a few pictures
    May 9, 2013
    Here is an Evelyn quote for ya...."Did you know McDonna is like a millionaire?", but I know Madonna is. I've been feeling rather angry lately. I' don't really know why. I've been really unconfortable. It's an awful thing to say, but I miss the skin and bones feeling. I want it...
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  • could it be?? really real?
    April 29, 2013
    I think I should take a minute to apologize for this fabulous quote I wrote in my last entry.... "Well to me, thats what Placebo live at Angkor Wat is to me" Good one! Way to go me!!! To be honest, I'm sure it stemmed from the fact that it was late when I wrote it, and wa...
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  • banana rambles
    April 27, 2013
    Long time no viddy. Well not really, it hasn't been that long since I viddied my diary here. I have been doing a litttle to much Etsy viddying. I havn't been able to stop the Etsy lurking. I want everything. I bought two pairs of shoes. One pair is still being made. Crocheted actually. You…
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  • francois bit my finger
    April 13, 2013
    I have had a headache all day long. Advil has done nothing, I should have caught on to that earlier, after taking so many. Truth be told, I have learned that, long ago actually. I just really enjoy pills, even if they do nothing for me. They excite me like candy. Which is to say,…
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