
Risk has not historically been a friend of mine.

I chose a career where stability was prioritised over reward and I regret it. It’s been a saddle weighing on exploring possibility and becomes heavier with each missed opportunity.

Today is the day that I decided to change this route.

I refuse to stay in the box.

My leap is still a rational one, measured so that if I fall I could catch myself (I have only myself to depend on afterall), but I want to see if I might flourish in this new area.

With age has come some maturity thankfully. I am desperately hoping that this will see me through.

I am hoping that this change it be more reflective of me.

This is the first real leap I’ve taken in my adult life!

I do acknowledge that in a few weeks I could be heavily regretting this too-large leap, but honestly I need the exhilaration that comes alongside not knowing whether I’ll fall or fly.

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