Back to School

I’m headed back to school tomorrow and I can’t wait. I’ve really been kind of bored and I think getting into more trouble because of that boredom. So I am thrilled to be going back to school because I think I will have more time around school friends and less time around certain others so I can help keep myself away from issues.  I am sad at the same time to be going back because I have immensely enjoyed having less responsibilities, sleeping until 11, and  being with family( the ryans).

I have been pretty disappointed in myself lately. I keep making the wrong decisions and then don’t know how to get myself out of them. I like who I am for the most part I just get mixed up in things and screw up and wind up getting angry at myself for doing those things. I’d say I just need some guidance but I don’t think that’s it. I think I just need to make mistakes and figure it out on my own. Which is what I’m doing. I made the wrong decision and I’m going with it and I know its probably not the best and cant end well but if I dont screw things up I never learn. It’s a struggle to always try to do the right thing and know which is which.

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ryn: it’s the waiting and time part that really sucks. waiting til i feel better about myself. waiting for me to stop missing the relationship.

amen on that last sentence

still alive? =)

it’s a damn shame that you are met with such judgemental attitudes. here, of all places, too.