resolutions **edit**

some people wonder what the point of making new year’s resolutions is, and claim they don’t work… i’ll admit that they aren’t the most effective things in the world, but they can work to some extent… my new years resolutions last year, and their respective results were as follows:

I will eat more healthy [well that wasn’t a prob until i got to college–god only knows what’s in that food :-]
I will lose at least 20lbs (or 2 sizes) by summer [i losted 10 lbs!… but once i got to college, it was all downhill :-]
I will  make new friends [yes!!]
I will keep in touch with old ones [yes!!]
I will do my homework… even physics [ha! that one lasted all of a month maybe ;-]
I will save my money, to be spent on non-trivial things only [oops.. forgot this one was even here :-]
I WILL have a date to Prom this year [yes!!]
I will be nicer to my sisters [yes… nicer than i was anyway… still not as nice as i coulda been]
I will not argue with my parents [i don’t! they argue with *me* :-P]

so in light of that, i now make my 2005 resolutions

i resolve:

  • to stop biting my fingernails
  • to be more considerate of other people’s feelings
  • to quit whining about my lack of a love life, and just be happy with me the way i am
  • to study daily in addition to doing assigned work
  • to make sure that i know the person’s name *before* i hook up with them
  • and to never drink on tuesdays 😉 😛 lol (kinda an inside joke)

so there u have it… but let it be known ahead of time that i don’t like odd-numbered years.. they have bad energy :-


**edit: i forgot two resolutions that i sorta made the other day: one: i resolve to run or exercise at least every other day… and two: …. shoot. i can’t remember it :- poop.. guess that means i wouldn’t have kept it anyway *shrugs* **

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HeY!!! WaSSup, I can’t beleive it’s already 2005!!! Well your diary is pimptastic, so yah! Come note me, or sign my little chatterbox thing on the front page!!! Tootles!!! -_- RoSiE -_-

thats so odd that you say that.. ive always felt odd numbered years were never good. im so glad to know im not as crazy as i thought i was. 🙂

well dammit, od signed me out behind my back when i was writing that note!!