you know you’re a geek when…

You know you’re a geek when your friend’s away message says “if you were my id, where would you be?” and your immediate thought is not of an identification card, but of Freud.

It’s amazing how some people can always know the right thing to say at the right time, even when it’s been over a year since the last time you saw them, months since you’ve talked to them, and they really have little to no inkling of what’s going on in your life.

I had a really good conversation with my uncle on the phone today. He gave me a lot of really good advice, some of which I know already that I’m going to ignore, but one thing will definitely stick with me. Something I already knew, but it helps to hear someone else say it.

“There is no distance on this earth that is too far for true love. And true love can wait for anything.”

In other news, I’ve realized I know too many people named John. But we’ll call this one Spence, as that was his nickname in middle school, when I last saw him. Spence is the one that I was writing about in this entry a little less than a year ago. Anywho, he got back from overseas in September, and I re-found (stalked) him on myspace a few weeks ago, and we’ve been in touch since. Today he called me to ask what I was doing the weekend of November 18th. After a quick check to see that football season was over by that time, I said I wasn’t doing anything. He asked me then, if I would be willing to fly down to North Carolina and be his date to the Marine Corps Ball. I was blown away. I told him I’d love to, but with school and everything, I couldn’t afford plane tickets. I’ll book them for you he said. Really? You’re going to fly me down to North Carolina just so you have a date to a dance?

Well, he said, it’s been a really long time since I’ve seen you.

My goodness.

It’s not all peaches and cream yet though, as I do still have some unanswered questions for him (particularly regarding the girl on myspace who keeps messaging him with things like “i love you baby and can’t wait to see you” and her profile pic is a picture of herself with him… especially when he told Me when we first started talking again that he was still in love with me (which yes, of course I’m skeptical about (and yes I just did parentheses inside parentheses (inside parentheses)))).

Oh yes, and please don’t relate that Spence stuff to the paragraph above it. It’s just my train of thought. don’t mind me.

Myspace is a wonderful invention. If this turns out badly, I’m seriously going to buy/make one of those t-shirts that says Myspace ruined my relationship because even though this isn’t really a relationship, it’s… well whatever… and plus, myspace did ruin my “relationship” with Eric last year.

Wow time flies. This year has gone so fast. Anyway, that’s all for now. Look back one entry if you haven’t yet!

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wow thats awsome ..i love when unexpected things happen ur diary is really different from the others which is pretty good take care

damn i havent signed in yet lol imperfect-gurl