New Month

June 1, 2018 4:37 am

I made it to my doctor’s appointment. I went outside and sat at the bench waiting for my case manage.  Two other tenants were out there They were talking to each other. I said hello but neither one of them spoke to me. That sort of left a bad taste in my  mouth.  Anyways I waited for my ride and my case manager cam to on time

She asked me how I was doing. I told her I haven’t been sleeping very well. I told her I was up all night Tuesday,. She asked me what was wrong. I said I had bad anxiety. She asked what was I thinking about. I didn’t go into details. I said nothing in particular it came over me; I think she said i get a thought in my head and it is hard not to get it out. Yes that is true I said. I also said I’ve been in a lot of pain from arthritics and have a lot of trouble walking. I brought my walker this time. I was telling her how I get short of breath very easily.

Dr Cower’s office is at WMC. We get up there and she lets me out at the front door. I waited for her and then we made it up to the office. I didn’t have long to wait. I told him about the pain in my knees. He felt around both knees. He was pressing on my left knee and  that hurt like hell. He said I have arthritics in both knees. I already knew that. He said I will have to see a specialist. He could order an x ray but they do that in their office.  He asked what I was taking for the pain. I said Ibuprofen and Ben Gay. He said that was good.

I also told him about getting short of breath easily. He said I need to quit smoking. I said I want to quit. We talked about different ways to quit. I told him that I tried the patches about a year ago and they were of no help. I said I lasted four days. He said the patches were the best method I told him about Anne. His wife prescribed her those nicotine tablets that you suck on. She is doing pretty good on those I said i would like to try those. He phone a prescription in to my pharmacy. He said when I start on those I can’t smoke at all. He also said i need to watch how I take them. They start you out on a certain dose and then you have to keep track of how many I take. I said I don’t want t o smoke and that shouldn’t be a problem

I had one problem with the doctor yesterday. I was out of Keppra ,  the pill I take for seizures. He said the neurologist has to phone that in. He could not get me a refill of my meds. Great I thought I don’t see him for a couple of months and I have one bottle left. I also have another problem with meds  I have ten pills of Geodone  left. I do not see the doctor at Healthways until the 14th. I will be shit out of luck. I will have to talk to Billie, my case manager, about this.

We stopped at the pharmacy in downtown Krogers. I wanted to pick that up. They said that it would take a half hour. We did not have time to wait. They will deliver it today. When I got home I called the pharmacy., I wanted to pay with my credit card. They said I could call WV Quit Line. They will pay for it. So I called and left them a message. I called them and they asked me a bunch of questions I needed to find out the dosage of the meds and call them., As soon as they get the  dosage they will approve it and pay for it. This is great I thought to myself., I will have to go call when I get back from my business.

I have to go out again. This is the first. Because the 3rd falls on Sunday I will be getting my check early this month. Billie is picking me up at 9 today. I want to go to the bank and Wal Mart. I do not want to go today. The thought of leaving my apartment is causing a lot of anxiety. But I need to take care of business. I need to get groceries and a few other things.  Hopefully it will not take too long and I will be home in less than an hour.

I finalized my budget. Here how it goes. Credit card : $150; Comcast: $181.14.; Rent $241.75 This will leave me with $197.11 for groceries and cleaning supplies and meds. I should be ok for the month. Well time to pay a few bills


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