(Don’t let the content fool you: I am single.)

I talked to a man just now who works just down the hall from me. (The location I work at is housed within a christian counseling center, which also houses people who do accupuncture and botox injections, both of which are christian-owned.)

Marriage has been on my mind a lot lately. So have naked women. So I’m really battling right now with lust, and yesterday I watched pornography of the more hardcore variety (it was “Real Sex”, but it was kind of disgusting; it was like a real life version of “Eyes Wide Shut”). Man. I am just addicted.

I was at work today and I was reading about this movie I want to see called “Dear Wendy” and on some message board it was saying how the lead girl in the movie shows her breasts, and immediately my soul felt like it was covered in honey or something, and I just I needed to see this picture (because some one had posted it online) and…this is not good, if I’m looking for a wife; I can’t be a good husband like this.

So, the man who I talked to in the hallway: for whatever reason we ended up on the topic of his divorce that’s going on as we speak (the guy’s like 59, I believe) and he’s a christian too, so it was really a blessing to hear this from him. One of the things he said, having no knowledge of my plight with porn, was that one of the reasons the marriage is ending is that at points he didn’t neccesarilly obey God like he should have.

(Funny fact: the guy’s worst fear has always been divorce, and his name just happens to be Ivor, which is only missing a “D” from the front and a “CE” from the back. He mentioned this to me.)

(I want to serve my wife.)

One last thing: in the past to stop myself from masturbating I’ve had to audibly say “no”, which would be directed toward the deciever. What I decided last night is that instead of acknowledging the devil’s power over me, I’m going to start saying “yes”, and it’s going to sound dumb, but it’s saying yes to following Jesus, which would mean sacrificing what I really, really want.

My pastor said the other day that he doesn’t know one person that regrets obeying God. I don’t know where you are or what you’re going through, but I know God’s been calling me to do this, and I have insistently been saying no.

Say yes.

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June 27, 2006

Your a deep person, aren’t you? I like that. Thats really cool. It shows character. And crazy is, well…. crazy is…. i really don’t know. What is crazy? Do you mind if I add you to my favorites?

June 29, 2006

I got your note about the sisters and their decision to have sex. I know that they are growing up and Antoinette is commited to her bf she practically an adult and they are planning on getting married after they go through college so I guess I can sorta see why they decided, ya know? But I can’t understand Laurens decision at all. I mean my visions, hopes and dreams for her are gone. I know ……

June 29, 2006

that I am not her mother or father or anything improtant to her, but I can have dreams for her too, right? I really don’t know if thats aloud but they all have changed ever since she ran away. I can’t think of her as the troubled teenager anymore. Now she is the trouble. Does that make any sense? I just hope she changes her way before its to late for her to make her ways right. To turn back ……

June 30, 2006

I’ll pray. For her and my family. By the way, what is your real name? Mine is Emily.

July 1, 2006

Okay Jon, thanks.

July 3, 2006

Hey I need a favor. If thats okay. But do you remember when we first met? And you said you could talk to God. I need a favor… A diarists parents don’t care for her and I was wondering if you could ask God if he make them see that they have a kid who needs them in her life? I would GREATLY appreciate it, Jon. Please?

July 3, 2006

Lakeland. Near Tampa. I’ve decided I’m not doing it, though.