Getting Serious – Working Out

Time to take off the blinders and get ME back into some sort of shape. 


I know, I know, a 54 year old is not supposed to be worried about shape anymore. Been there, felt that, lived that, but now I need to get my stomach back into my chest and loose one of my chins. smiling.


Doctor told me I could start working out for real again as long as I did not over do it.

walking   stationary bike    walking 2 

Life has taken its tole on me since 1990 for one reaseon or another (injuries, emotionaly, job, reality and so on) but it is time to get back to the business of taking care of me once again.Have been walking, doign minor exercising to warm up, riding my cardio glide, and walking the steps at work regular since May 2004.  Well, as regular as the weather and the trips to Texas, Alabama, Arizona, Florida, and the Land of Sand have allowed me to do anything on a regular basis.

Did my 45 minute walk today in the 90 degree heat. Drank plenty of water and enjoye the walk even with the heat. Walking down King street from the Baptist church to the Alexandria train station and back is an interesting walk with lots of hills, trees, steps, straight aways, and most important, I am walking through lots of history. 

 push up  jumping jacks  sit up 

268 from 280

22 lost since April 2004

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July 11, 2004

wow you did good. I know that route very well and it does have some steep parts. But you are right it is rich in history and very lovely.

I disagree. I know everyone should care about himself or herself.

July 11, 2004

I agree to disagree since I have been on both sides…Smiling

Well, you KNOW you are going to get my “thumbs up” for your new exercise program. I walked/ran today in the heat, too. And drank a bottle of water while walking. I think the humidity was much higher than the temps. It IS time, ya know. To take care of yoU. *smile*

If I can help with your exercise program, just let me know. I do have a personal trainer (2 nights a week) and if you have any questions, I’d be glad to ask him. I can at least be your cheerleader. ROH! ROH! ROH! Now GO, Rob, GO! *smiling*

good for you …

July 11, 2004

So you had a wonderful walk, which as good for your body, in an interesting place which was good for your mind. With both feeding your soul.

July 11, 2004

Yay for you! I can’t walk in the heat. I just can’t.

July 11, 2004

Congrats on the weight loss. 🙂 Way to go! I’ve lost 30 lbs since Feb. but haven’t been serious about it lately.

July 12, 2004

congrats…i am trying to lose the excess weight also…i hope i find the strength you have in order to accomplish my goal.