Introducing H– Chaotic & Hectic Ramblings

Happy Friday!

I woke up in a good mood today. I went to the gym at 5:30am, got my 15 mins of the treadmill done and attended a weight lifting class. I rushed to worked while doing my make-up in the car. As I was arriving to work, I noticed that H sent me a dm on instagram. Well I guess it’s time to discuss H.

So this story all started in Feb, I was invited to a friend’s birthday night out at a gay bar. I was nervous about attending. I do not like going out with new people because I am self-conscious about my body but nonetheless I went with D (side note: it was JG’s birthday and he actually introduced D & I to each other). As soon as we arrived JG greeted me and introduced me to all his friends. They were all sitting in a booth while the rest of us stood on the outside. I decided to confront M (JG’s friend), he had been odd with me. When JG introduced me to all his friends, M also introduced himself to me formally. I hated that. I have met M several times but every time I saw him he acted like he didn’t know me. SO I confronted him. He said that he didn’t remember and wasn’t trying to be rude. He was lying but I have no idea where the confidence came to confront him. After that I went to the bathroom because I felt awkward. When I came back I noticed that JG managed to grab two booths, which was great because now everyone had a place to sit.

Of course the booth JG was at was packed and there was D with him. I had no choice but to sit at the second booth with M and curly haired man. This was not ideal since I just called out M for his catty behavior. Nonetheless, I grabbed a margarita and sat next to the curly haired man. I introduced myself to him and he told me his name was H. I assumed he was gay because it was a gay bar and he had fem mannerism. He complimented my hair. We talked and took some shots.

Later D & E come over to the booth to tell me they were going next door to use the bathroom at another bar because it was nicer. The Piggly Wiggly has gross bathroom that are unisex. So I said that I would go, H followed. When we got outside, I must have been tipsy because both D & H helped me to the next bar. I went inside, took a piss and washed my hands. When I came out of the bathroom, I noticed that H was at the bar ordering a drink. I came up to him to make small talk. He asked if he could give me a hug and I said Sure.

side note: I love physical touch but with people I trust. I know, I just met H but he was sweet and safe so I didn’t think anything of it.

While he gave me a hug, he rubbed my back and I was so tipsy and off balance so our bodies where on each other. H then whispers in my ear “You are my type.” I laughed because what did that mean? This man is gay, did I look manly? well I hope not because that wasn’t the look I was going for.

So, I said “I know” . We were so close that I thought he was gonna kiss me when I noticed at the corner of my eye that D & E were on the other side of the bar. I broke our embrace and pointed D in the crowd. D & E came over to us, E ordered us some shots. After we took the shots we made our way back to the Piggly Wiggly.

When we got back, we went straight to the bar to order drinks. H & I both pointed out that we were bottoms, so I said “how could this work between us?” D interrupted by saying she would be our top. I don’t know how I feel about that but I know she was joking. D pulled me to the side and said I should make out with H and that he was cute. I wanted to at that point. I was drunk and horny. Plus he was saying an doing all the right things.

I am not the type of girl to make the first move so I waited. Nothing happened. We made our way back to the booth. H & I sat down next to each other and exclusively talked to each other. All of sudden M shouts at the table saying ” H you are a fag”; he said it twice. I looked at H and he just nodded. D then said ” who cares, sexuality is fluid”. Honestly, that threw me off. Why did M say that? M & H are besties but it felt odd. Later, H stood by M and took money from him to buy drinks. I don’t know of M feels power over H because he buys him stuff.

After awhile, it was just H standing then M & I sitting at the booth. H asked M if he wanted a drink. M said yes. so H gave him money and told him to get some. I think H wanted some alone time with me. But M would not budge. So, I told H I would go with him and he bought me a drink.

JG finally makes it back to out booth and says we should leave to a club. I agree. M says he would meet us at the club because he had to clean up. H tells me he was gonna help M but that we would meet up at the club.

D drives us. E is asleep and honestly looks like she is gonna hurl. JG & I are delusional in the back seat laughing our asses off. D is irritated as usual. We get to the club and leave after 25 mins. Because E & D want to go home. I never saw M & H.

I didn’t realize how long that would be so for now, I will just introduce H. tomorrow, i will give you all part 2.

see you tomorrow?


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