And the Beat Goes On

There’s a rolling thunderstorm going on tonight. I love storms, especially at bedtime.

My husband and I went out on a "date" tonight and mom watched the kids. We try to do that once a week at least. It gives us a chance to breathe without the kids, but really during dinner out, that is what we talk about. Well, the kids and the stuff going on with the new house. We saw the new John Travolta movie, The Taking of Pelham 123. Awesome movie, go see it.

Our house went on the market 2 or 3 days ago, and twice people have stopped and asked us (since we are usually out in the yard) about the house and have asked for a personal tour. While I wouldnt do that if my husband was at work, he was here so it felt safe to do that. The couple who stopped today seemed very interested in our home. Life will be so sweet if we sell this soon. I hope they call our realtor. We have joked about that we will call our realtor and tell him we’ve shown our house twice as much as he has (he hasnt shown it yet) and that we want a commission. He is the kidding sort so he will take it in gest.

Life is going right along, feel a sense of accomplishment for doing alot of packing and also taking care of a rental tenent’s need for a new stove. Lord, her place was very….unkept…nasty. Dirty dishes on the floor and fermenting food on the countertops. Oui.

I think tomorrow is more packing. We have 2 weeks before closing but honestly, how do you pack a whole house for a family of four. Its proving to be alot of work but I am tossing alot of stuff or taking things to Salvation Army.

Going to bed, this storm is soothing. Night.



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I hate packing and I hate to move but it is always worth it. Date night with your husband sounds nice. It’s great that he’s making an effort.

June 13, 2009

storms are ever so relaxing

June 13, 2009

The Taking of Pelham 123 was good, huh? I’ve been really pessimistic about it because I love the original version with Walter Matthau so much… I will go to see it, though. Crazy storms over here too, with major thunder and lightning. It’s pouring right now, actually… Wow, you’re getting so much done! I need to get off my lazy ass…

June 19, 2009

RYN: Most of my entries are fave only but I lost the weight by following weight watchers. Portion control and healthy subsitutes. I honestly haven’t even worked out since I started. (Which I do plan on doing at some point!)

Hi, I saw your note on a mutual faves diary. We are trying to sell our house as well, and the realtor seems to have little interest. I could probably sell the thing myself if I knew how. That John Travolta movie has sounded interesting to me.