part 2 of the best date ever :)

 So yes boys and girls …. I ignore all rational senses and instincts in my body and I tell this adorable creature that I will go to the beach with him. I am feeling quite adventurous at this point!! Kudos Juliet right ? lol  So yeah we stop by his place (I wait in the car) and he brings a blanket and two pillows and we ride out to the beach. We get there around 12 and it is just serene and unlike anything i have seen… seeing that I usually go to the beach during the day.

Anyways we get there and take the blanket out and lay on the beach and just start chatting and talking… and had it not been for the sand fleas we would have for a while more but we walked and talked instead. I honestly can’t even begin to tell you exactly what we started talking about because I really feel like he has asked me more personal questions than anyone I have ever dated (yeah including my almost 5 year relationship with G-unit). It’s like we could find anything and everything to talk about. Before we realized it, the sun was coming up and it was officially Monday morning. By this point I realize there is no way I am making it to work. I write my boss an email and let her know that I am too sick to make it in and that’s good enough for me!

The boy works in a very different kind of occupation – he works as a train conductor and his schedule is pretty sporadic so he doesn’t have to call in, but rather play a waiting game to see if he gets called in. At around 6am we decide to stay and watch the sunrise on the beach and then have breakfast. We drive back into town he goes to his apartment to shower and change and then he drives me back to my apartment and i do the same. We are running on no sleep and head over to Keke’s for breakfast. Somewhere on the drive home we decide that it would be awesome to head to Busch Gardens the theme park lol.

I must say I loved that about him… He was so spontaneous and just honest about wanting to keep spending time with me, how could I ever say no? By the way, because of what he does, his nickname is Choo Choo 🙂 so yeah choo choo is pretty adamant that we are going to the park… i figured he didn’t kill me at the beach and its not like I am going to work, this should be fun! And so we drive the hour and a half to Tampa and make it to the park. He buys us annual passes and in to the park we go. We spend all day riding roller coasters and seeing the animals – at this point we are holding hands and finally while we were in line for one of the coasters, he leans and kisses me. It was so sweet and gentle – I had to laugh a little because the lady behind us in line totally realized that this was like our first/second date and she was just on the edge of her seat watching us and seeing what we did.

The park ended up closing around 6:00pm so we head to the car and he opts to take me through his hometown (Winter Haven/Auburndale) which is a small town west of Orlando. It was cute seeing where he was from and just where he grew up. Also funny because he and I come from very different backgrounds and kind of different environments. Its just fascinating to me to learn all about him and what makes choo choo so awesome.

Finally at around 9pm we made it back to Orlando and ended our date. This is by far the longest date ever!! I mean it lasted about 27 hours straight with no sleep – i’m working on making that a Wikipedia entry lol When we got back I gave him a really strong passionate kiss which he visibly enjoyed lol. 

I can’t even begin to remember the last time I met someone that was so thoughtful, sweet, affectionate and funny. We pretty much have hung out every day since then and it has been a freaking joy! I finally feel like i met someone who is my equal. He is cute, funny, smart, friendly, and sooooo affectionate. Pretty much all the things that i am but have never been to find in anyone.

Anyways I am going to try and write more because I really want to capture just how awesome I am feeling and all choo choo has done to contribute 🙂

My life finally feels like its going well – getting in shape (doing Crossfit), i got a promotion (which also means i have to move 7 hours away 🙁 more to come on this, and then i find this amazing person that i am definitely falling in love with only after a week of meeting…

To say my life is like one of those cheesy romantic comedies is an understatement lol. Anyways thanks for the notes and i will be catching up on everyone throughout the week!

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