WTF Jake … Really ??

In an effort to regain some followers i am going to start writing more number one but also making some more public entries 🙂 

So yes last night, I , like many Americans, watched the Bachelor season finale. I was speechless for a while and while i can respect the fact that Jake picked someone that he was happy with and he doesn’t care what people say.. but really ?

I am extremely thrilled however that Ali will be the next Bachelorette   I really did like her and think that she got shafted. Had she stayed around i am sure Jake would have picked her.

On that note when are they going to have a non white Bachelor or Bachelorette ? Obama made it to be president isn’t it time we get a Hispanic Bachelor ? lol if they did, i would be all for it. I mean i would actually try out for it… sounds bad but there are just certain things that i want in a partner and being able to communicate well with my parents is one of them…. seeing that they mostly speak Spanish there ya go. Plus i love me some salsa dancing lol.

This year has been a tv watching fantasy for me lol I have my whole lineup based on tv shows every night!!! how sad right ?
Monday it was the Bachelor (soon to be replaced with Dancing with the Stars – by the way how about Kate Gosselin being on there!!) Tuesday its LOST!!! Only a couple more episodes till supposedly all my questions are aswered lol.
Wednesday I watch Modern Family and Cougar Town
Thursday its Parks and Recreation, followed by some Office and 30 Rock and now the Marriage Ref
Fridays and Saturdays I actually try to go out so those are the only days that aren’t accounted for lol
Sunday – Undercover Boss!!

Yeah thats what its boiled down to – now that I am a homeowner there is no money to do fun things lol – I come home, cook, clean and watch tv, go to sleep to do it all over again the next day.

This week though should be good though. I am going to go out dancing Friday night at this placed called Cuba Libre. And then Saturday night i am going to a Haiti benefit dinner that one of my sister’s is putting on  So proud of my friend… that is an awesome feat they are doing in the name of charity.

At some point in the week I also have to pick up the book Fledgling – Anyone read this or heard of it ? it is for a book club that I recently joined. Our book last time was The Shack which was an AWESOME book! Would love to hear some opinions on any of those books if anybody has read.

So yeah thats just a little bit of the mundaneness going on in my life !

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