Chicken wings for supper!

I’m listening to some classic punk… the Sex Pistols, I might just search for punk music playlists on Spotify or YT… I’m in the mood for some good tunes… and you can’t get any better than Sid and Johnny. 💕 The Buzzcocks are another good punk band as well as the Ramones. All good stuff.
So, what are you up to this evening? I had chicken wings, onion rings and carrots for supper.
Tomorrow is Saturday which means computer maintenance. Barnabas threw a hissy fit and I had to totally reset the bastard and lost EVERYTHING.. I should have backed shit up, but I forgot and I think my external hd is with Bees. I can get it back tomorrow.
But then again, it gave me a clean slate to work with. 😀 So, that was a blessing in disguise non?
I think that I will look up some punk playlists now…
Sammy, I hear the Beatles are extremely punk. Joking. I haven’t ever gotten into the “classic” punk. Maybe I should? What do you recommend? I guess the Sex Pistols, huh?
@heffay The Beatles are legend. Try the Ramones, and the Buzzcocks… and yupp the Pistols too.
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Ok. Stupid autocorrect. Gabba, gabba. Hey!
@caria XD
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