Sucks getting old

I hate that I am not as mobile as I once was. And that shows every day. I am sore a lot longer from exercising, and now I wake up with stiff hands and trigger finger until I warm them up.

It makes me so sad, that I didn’t continue to take care of my body, the way that I did when I was younger, when I was an athlete. It was so much easier to move then, and I relished it. I cannot figure out why I don’t have the energy or mindset to get off my ass and move more.

I have only seen my therapist once, but she already knows what’s causing all of this turmoil with me. It’s trauma…trauma that I have stuffed down and not dealt with and now it’s coming up to bite me

I know, I am not going to have another cancer diagnosis if I start working out like a crazy person again, like I did when I DID get a cancer diagnosis. In hindsight, it was because I WAS working out like that, that lead to me finding out I was sick.  But yet, that’s in my mind constantly, even more than when I look in the mirror and not like what I see

I hate that I am not aging like I thought I would. That I have become my mother, in that we’ve stopped really moving or caring if we move

Just putting that out there kinda makes my heart start to race. My mother has had a lot of illness and surgeries in the last few years.  But then again, she’s almost 80, and I am approaching 54…no where near needing back surgery or knee replacement (thank you PT exercises).

I really need to get in a good head space around this, or else I really will end up like my mother

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January 21, 2020

This is one of the worst parts of being this age (I am very close to your age) I think. Just not being strong and flexible like we used to be.

January 21, 2020

@thediarymaster Arthritis runs in our family. Hearing that the numbness that runs down my right leg is from disk degeneration, like what lead my mother to back surgery, really freaked me out. In my head I think, sure, I will do yoga more, move more, do something and yet, there I sit, looking at my fancy stationary bike and not moving off the couch (sigh)

January 21, 2020

@kattster for sure, I think about doing more – it’s the execution that is the problem 🙂

January 21, 2020

I am not one for moving a lot also, but I do enjoy going to the grocery store and I figure that is just the same as walking or biking or anything else for an hour.  But they say the more you move the better you feel…..I have seen this on occasion when I have been loosing weight the energy seems to come back and the good thought in my brain…….Slow and steady to get started…..

January 21, 2020

I am within a couple years of your age and I am not nearly as flexible. I was a gymnast as a kid now I am a biker lol I exercise every day and it does help… but age is only a number