blood and roses

today was blood work…

send in the flabotinists… or what ever they are called…

one of them said i was a quart low…

my response was, you’re holding it in your hand…

it took me a very long time to get used to my insulin needle…

this is much worse…

made it to work on time to be charming, witty and hard working…

now i set at home like a defrocked porcupine aching from every new hole in my body…

Bo and i are enjoying bbq tater chips an carmel marble cheesecake…

i did take a moment to ponder my own death…

nothing depressing, well nothing any more depressing than usual, WEELLLL, okay maybe a soupçon more…

colon caner is not as deadly as setting too close to the TV cancer, everything should COME OUT okay…

my only wish is that my Jasper was here…

he would know what to say to make everything better…

OH almost forgot, next thursday they want to do a colonoscopy…

at the risk of sounding crass, it’ll be the first time in 6 years someone will tell me to bend over and i actually will be violated…

take that you unreasonably horrible wife of mine!


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July 10, 2019

Phlebotomists. I have low blood pressure and tiny veins, so they always have fun with me.

Glad to see you in good spirits.

July 11, 2019

@queenofegypt my veins seem to be just right, but it gonna take a month to grow all my blood back

July 10, 2019

with a colonoscopy you get to lie down not bend over…just so you know….But I got a chuckle when you said “bend over”

July 11, 2019

@jaythesmartone before they closed the doors, my original diary was “Boy Logic” by Ben Dover…