hiway to hell

many hundreds of decades ago, when i was young…

i had a dream of being buried alive and though everyone thought me to be dead, i was in fact not…

i pounded and screamed and banged on the coffin lid frantic to be out of that damned thing and no one knew…

my dream was ended by the loving drone of my grandmother, from the hills of Kentucky, softly singingĀ  “Amazing Grace”…

To this very day i hear that dong and i weep uncontrollably…

i have been weeping quite a bit of late…

mostly because i need to be in my grandmothers light…

partially because i have had that song on my heart of late…

“Bury me not in pine nor underground,
the earth is not my cradle buy my cell
Leave me not in grave of dirt and stone
my coffin is my hell…”

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November 20, 2018

I have had the same dream..very scary


November 21, 2018

Iā€™ve never had that dream, but it is terrifying to think that really used to happen to people quite frequently. (According to all the ghost tours Iā€™ve been on in Charleston.)

Iā€™m not religious whatsoever, but I do love that song. It was played on bagpipes at my grandfatherā€™s funeral.


November 22, 2018

@queenofegypt you must of had a very special Grandfather! i loved my grandparents very much

November 22, 2018

@kermitallica He was a WWII veteran, but more importantly, he was a very good man.

And me too. šŸ’œ

November 21, 2018

I have never had that dream but I have had dreams of falling and people chasing me…..all is scary.