running on empty

forklift driving is more dangerous than one would think…

i guess thats why they call it skilled labor…

its been sometime since i have written here…

just got out of the hospital…

i was hit by another driver a few days ago…

concussion, cracked ribbed, a few minor holes in places…

the nurse that watched over me, also took the time to go to my home and look after Hershal while i was away…

she said he was the sweetest little man ever, no problems at all…

they say doctors are the heros…

thats a lie…

nurses are the real backbones of medicine and they live their lives mostly unnoticed…

i owe her more than she will ever know for the over and above…

she is a true angel on earth…


they deserve more than they get…

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December 14, 2020

Our nurses have gotten a pay increase because of the risks they are taking.  I think nurses know more about the people then the doctors do…..