Gay everywhere!

I’ve been keeping an eye on the newspapers at work this week to do a little experiment on how much the gay-marriage debate has risen.  2010 has really been the ‘Year of action’ in the LGBTI community and I’d have to agree with that.  I also truly think that the Melbournians/Melbournites really knew what they were doing when they voted in Adam Brandt as their MP, because everything I’m seeing with getting this movement forward seems to be to do with him, and naturally, as a Green, it should.  Green’s get my vote purely for the gay vote and I’m near positive that’s how they got so many votes in this years Prime Ministerial election as well.  I certainly didn’t vote for them on environmental stances, but they were the only ones who supported equality while the major parties stood in the dark ages, and they saw an opening and went for it – much like many gay guys themselves 😛

Anywoo, yeah so here’s some photos I took, just to prove how much went on about ‘gayness’ in the newsfeeds this past week.  One is a magazine but meh haha I saw it on the magazine rack and was already on a roll 🙂  By the end of last week, even I was getting sick of all the talk about equality.  Everyone knows my view.  I think for a country as great as Australia is, when it comes to Equality, we are 15-20 years behind.  This shit shoulda been legalised when I was blowing out the candles on my 8th birthday.

Speaking of my birthday, it’s coming up soon *shivers*.

Firstly, this on the front page last Friday amazed me.  I knew the editorial the next day was gunna be full of ignorant hatemail, but what can you do.  I remember reading shit like "Two gay guys can’t raise a child because a child needs maternal insticts."  And I’m just thinking to myself, ‘Right, so all the single dad’s out there account for nothing do they?"  Fucking morons.  I keep telling myself that the baby boomer traditionalist generation and religious hypocrisy needs to die off before any change in us moving forward.  I think it’s amazing that the laws were changed to allow them to adopt this little guy.  I’m also very happy to have a state premier whom supports gay marriage, even if we have a Prime Minister and an Opposition leader who do not.

And this was some of the dribble from the editorial following on from Friday’s paper (first picture)

Even Grazia’s jumping on the gay-talk bandwagon lol – anything to make a quick buck when the timing’s right.


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It should be getting heaps of coverage, people need to have it drilled into their head that they are ignorant effing idiots if they are still against it. Totally agree on how far behind we are with this. xxx

November 24, 2010

It’s just as big here, it seems. Which is a very, very good thing. It just seems so…moronic to deny rights to people simply because of ignorance. Glad to see that it’s an inter-continental debate at least. RYN: I’ve heard Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth–but you know, farmwork and God…that just sounds dreadful. There must be some merit in it though–look how great you turned out!

November 24, 2010

And just for the record, Leviticus gives me a headache to no end. I mean really, they couldn’t have just done a diagram or something? That would have been a whole lot easier. And then all those rules! How boring! 🙂

November 24, 2010

What is the ‘I’ in ‘LGBTI’?

November 24, 2010

Oh good- so it isn’t just America that is full of ignorant fucktards?

November 24, 2010

My favorite is the guys with the cats. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture in any newspaper over here that has a gay couple with a child. They should really get on that.

November 24, 2010

if it’s legal in Australia, I am SO moving there!

I’m glad the movement and support for Gay Marriage is getting bigger here. I’m 100% for it. If my kids ever met someone of the same gender, I’d support them all the way. Before I was pregnant with Inayah I used to tell Munzar I wouldn’t care who my future son married, as long as he was a good Muslim boy. LMAO!

November 24, 2010

EVERYONE should be able to marry ANYONE that they want. I am in FULL support of same sex marriage. FULL SUPPORT. 😀

Here in the states the gays are just starting to speak up for there rights,but there like the blacks here it took many many yrs for ppl to see the truth and set them truly free 1960s so I think until ppl start looking in there hearts and not some so called book(I.E. THE Bible) I think it will come but slowly,ppl hate change its so dumb. Mostly the older crowd. So hang in there your time is coming.Love ya ~Mermz

November 25, 2010

That second letter in ‘Move on from gay debate’ is so laughable! What a ridiculous reason to deny gay couples from having children! How ignorant can some people get?!

November 25, 2010

I’m glad to see that people are starting to get involved. As others noted you, it’s a long road ahead. But, if people really look at the issue instead of blindly accepting the fear and false interpretations of the Bible, then maybe it will work. Wil

November 25, 2010

YAY! 😀 RYN: yeah I’ll probably end up snogging his face off next time we’re drunk, we’ll see 🙂

November 27, 2010

I’m in Florida and it’s the same way here. Granted a few of our states allow legal gay marriage, but it’s like I think… 5 of them? Plus then some of the states repealed it so the marriages that had been made legal, no longer were anymore. Utterly ridiculous! I thought the first amendment was the pursuit of happiness. There are no clauses or disclaimers to what that happiness might be.

November 27, 2010

It’s like slavery, they thought foreverrr that blacks were property. Finally one day it changed. Hopefully gay marriage will finally be viewed as what it is someday as well ” no ones business but the people involved” I think governments will say no to anything as long as it keeps them too busy to concentrate on matters like national debt and homelessness and war