Theme- Which of your values do you value the most?


I used to think I was a generous person but after becoming a born again Christian, loving the Lord and studying His Word, I realized that I was anything but generous. Sure, I bought gifts for my family and always left a tip for the waitress. However, I realized generosity isn’t just money. It is my time bringing help, kindness, compassion, comfort, understanding and peace to someone and many other things.

After realizing this, I re-arranged my schedule, stopped sitting in front of my computer or TV and started finding ways to be generous with my time. I regularly and randomly send greeting cards to friends and family.  I invited my grandson to come live with me when he got a job in my city and we ended up buying a house together.  Him being a financial expert I asked him to help me get out of debt so that I could be more generous monetarily. We did it together in less than a year. This has resulted in me being able to give to charities regularly, give to the church and its members, pay for the car behind me at the drive through etc.

This has brought such joy to my heart and peace to my soul! Try it, you’ll like it!!


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February 2, 2018

Blessings to you!

February 2, 2018

I know what a generous person you can be. I have been the beneficiary in the form of a card and tea bags in the mail. Stay as good as you are and be careful with charities. Some use most of the money on administration and very olittle goes to the announced recipient. Check with charity navigator or similar sites. You are probably already aware of this, especially if your grandson being in finance.

February 2, 2018

That’s a trait I wish I had more of. I try to be, but my frugal, tight-fisted side (I get it from my mom) wants me to save it!! That’s a thought for another day. I love that you are this way!