WTF Work

The job I was speaking so highly of in the last entry is no more.

The next morning, I went to work. Everything was normal.

I was counting the inventory, and I look up and see one of the owners of the company. He came to our store and worked with us for a week last year, he’s not a bad guy. Pretty neat.

I say, “I’m surprised to see you here!”

He says, “We are closing the store.”

Taken aback, but cool, I say, “Seriously? Right before the holidays??”

He says, “Seriously.”

And so I proceed to help them pack up the entirety of the workplace that I love so much, they throw a bunch of it in the trash, and take the rest with them.

That’s not true. I did get a free watch, because they appreciated what I had done for the company. He also let me keep 95% of the tools.

Bing Bam Boom.

Our store – I can’t remember if I mentioned this before – was connected to the mall’s customer service desk, where mall gift cards are sold, and we took care of those duties, as well.

Swooping up from the depths is a customer service desk managment company, ready to take us on – as we are the only people really qualified to be selling 100s of gift cards over black friday weekend, just a short week away.

So, I’m still the manager. The manager of this much more BORING and LAME job. Who am I to say no to continued employment. I like being able to pay for a roof and food.

I got an hourly raise, but will no longer be making commission or bonuses. I hadn’t realized how much I was earning with those combined. I am earning less now. And doing less.

BUT – the mall’s management team was absolutely bragging about me to this company. The boss-type lady that I’ve worked with for the past 3 years… the bitchy one who almost seemed to not treat me as a person… she spoke very highly of me. I mean, I know that they would be seriously fucked if my team and I had up and left at this juncture. And I know that she knows that. Maybe she’s subliminally convinced herself to come around a little bit, though.

More problematically, I totally have a crush on the big guy in charge. He’s new, been at the mall a few months. Immediate improvements were made. It’s a breath of fresh air, really. And he’s so nice, and talks to me. I didn’t have a crush on him at first, but when I started seeing the improvements he was making, I would speak highly of him.

But then the other day he told me he is a stand-up comedian in some of his spare time, and he fucking won a Dad Joke competition. He refused to share most of his dad jokes because they are not professional, but he shared a couple dumb ones that I forgot but they were cringey and great.

So I went to look him up. Maybe there was a video?

I do not find a video, but I find that he is also a PROFESSIONAL COMIC BOOK ARTIST.

What. the. actual. fuck.

And I don’t think I have a crush on him because I want to get in his pants. I don’t even really find him physically attractive. I think I just want to be him. Seriously, how can I just live that life, man.

He called me into his office today, which is inside the management office. I had managerial things to do with the other boss lady, and he called me in. I think I might have used my sexy voice, what the fuck, why would I do that. His office looks so cool, and he and I have had many one-on-one short conversaions and sometimes as a retail sales associate, when someone walks by and says something silly, I think my sexy voice slips out. Dammit, no wonder they all keep coming back.

But I think the other managers might have heard me. Shit. My heart was pounding hella hard, and I’ve replayed being called into his office a whole bunch of times today, and seriously just checked out while trying to reanalyze the situation.

Who knows, maybe everything was fine and I actually just acted normal. Everything’s okay….

I’m invited to a potluck meeting on black friday. All of us important people will cram into his office and share things including mall secrets that I won’t be able to tell people. He told me to check the list on the way out, and whatever no one else signed up to bring, I could bring if I wanted. But the list was in the printing room, where I had just had stuff printed, but then other people printed other stuff, and they were gonna bring it to me, and then they didn’t because I was talking to him, and the 3 other people are girls and they all seemed to be buzzing around right outside of his office and the stuff I had printed was now at the admin desk and I just ended up leaving because I got a little overwhelmed and felt like they had all heard me talk different to him.

And to be honest I probably do talk different to him because he’s one of those people who makes you feel comfortable.

But I have all of these watch-fixing tools, and the desire to not get a job better than the new one I have now.

Should I fix watches?

Should I shoot for mall management?

Should I go back to school?

Should I just apply for whatever random better-paying who-knows-what where I might be less comfortable?

Am I comfortable?

Should I pick up a hobby?

Start working out?

Mod watches and do different hobby trinket tinkering at home in my off-time?


Idk but to be honest it would be cool if I would stop perseverating on this big guy in charge at work because A) I am never gonna have his life B) I guarantee he is not as cool as my imagination has twisted him into being C) His family isn’t going to adopt me and my kids

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November 21, 2018

What the fuck is this subliminal typo shit:

the desire to not get a job better than the new one I have now.

OK I’m just going to blame Mercury Retrograde and move on with my life

November 21, 2018

On the bright side, it must be reassuring that the job ended because the business was closed and not due to any fault of your own. I’ve certainly experienced the reverse (i.e., the job ends for me but the business continues on just fine).