I hit “publish” on my last entry… two weeks ago? My internet had gone out. Thanks, Comcast. No pages would load, nothing would load when I hit the “back” button – I mean, no internet! There’s nothing like the feeling you get when a computer doesn’t save, for whatever reason.

But I came back today. My old entry was there!!!! OD knew I had unsaved changes!!!! How… even… What is this sorcery!?!?! I love this!!!! I mean I know we are in 2018 and all and I really probably shouldn’t be so amazed and relieved, but let me tell you it is a great feeling.

10/10 would buy again.



I reorganized my bedroom today! It took me a really long time to figure out how to put it together. It actually looks like a bedroom and not just a room with some furniture randomly placed. Pretty great.

We’ve lived here for over 6 months now. It’s not an amazing place, but it is ours. There is a level of security here that I haven’t been able to find elsewhere. There’s a group of volunteers who believe that families shouldn’t have to pay more than 30% of their income on basic housing. Basic housing is what we get.

We moved in right before I got my promotion to manager of my store, and my rent was set at about 50%-60% market rate for such a place. Since this program is run by volunteers and grants- and even though I reported my raise as soon as it showed up on my paycheck – they apparently have an extremely extensive and time-consuming auditing process. Once a year they need to see all of my income documentation and determine if anything needs to be changed. That appointment was in March and our rent won’t go up until July. At that point, 30% of my income on housing will be at about 80%-90% market rate, which I can’t complain about. Especially because if anything happens, my understanding is that my housing will be secure. We won’t get evicted.

It’s taken a long time to really get things into place. Lots of things are still out of place. My youngest son’s loft/bunk bed frame broke a couple of months ago, so he’s been sleeping on the couch. I slept on the couch for a couple of months when we first moved here until I was able to get a bed. It’s really not the most comfortable couch, but he is much smaller and lighter than me, and he just told me tonight as I was putting him to bed that he really likes sleeping on it.

We just don’t have the space for anything other than a bunk bed for him, though. I was looking on Amazon: looks like I can get something decent for $160ish. So much for saving money before the rent hike.

My older son’s half birthday is next month. He’s had problems, and I felt like I could have done more, and his little brother was utterly spoiled for his birthday back in March. I want to make sure to do something special for him, but money seems tighter now than it was then. And this bed for his brother is gonna take a good chunk of money. Teenagers are so much more expensive to please than 8-year-olds, and I can’t really invite his friends and classmates to a party where their parents will all come along bearing sweetly-wrapped gifts. Plus he’s not the baby, so not as much fun to spoil.

It will all work out somehow. Money is better now than it has been for us pretty much ever. Things have worked themselves out this far. Not perfectly, mind you – that would be boring. Or maybe it has worked out perfectly in ways to teach us more about ourselves and each other.



Do you ever go about your day with a nagging feeling of

“This isn’t me. This isn’t what I would have done.”

I’ve been getting that a lot lately.

It almost makes me wish I could just go back and restore my save point from 2004, give or take a year. Not really… but almost.


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