Celebrating 31 Like I Was 21!!!

Yesterday was my 31st birthday.  I never did anything big when I turned 21.  I actually truly do not even remember that birthday.  It was 2003, and I was pretty much separated from everyone I knew because of the issues I had with Dan, so even if I wanted to do a party, there really wouldn’t have been anyone to invite.

I decided earlier this year that I was doing a big drinking party kind of thing for my 31st.  I wanted to do what I never had when I turned 21.  So I invited a bunch of people through the Facebook event thing, and invited people from work.  Turned out to only be six of us, but you know what?  That was still awesome.

Kristen, Kevin, Joe, and I went bowling first, and my God, did all of us suck!  I mean, I’m either really bad or really good, but I seriously have not sucked this much since I was about eight!  I only scored 33!  Kevin got 53, Joe got 60, and Kristen only got eight, and that was because I scored those pins for her.  (She’s blind, but still made the attempt.)

After the Bowling Game of Shame, we went to Court Jester where Melanie and Audrey met up with us and had a whole bunch of food.  I had two Hawaiian punches (alcoholic) and really started feeling them while we were there.  They were laughing at me, but Melanie declared that there was no way I was driving like that.  I tried insisting I was okay, yeah, I was tipsy but it wasn’t that bad, but she was having none of it, and I pretty quickly agreed to let myself be driven.  Lol, plus, she got Kevin on her side, and he was all, "Yeah, I’d fire your ass if you drove right now."

So, we went back to the house, got the Jello shots and some spoons, my iTouch, and Melanie wanted to get her camera, so we stopped by her house and then went to the hotel.  I  opened my gifts from Kristen and Melanie, which were awesome, by the way.  Kristen got me a Sonic the Hedgehog book bag and then random snack things, like popcorn and whatnot, and Melanie got me a Barnes and Noble gift certificate and a stationary set that has Hedgehogs and owls on them.    Loved it.  SO adorable! 

My memory after that . . .  is really rather spotty.  I remember falling off the bed several times.  I remember stealing Kevin’s iPad and playing his game of Candy Crush on it.  I remember him taking my phone and reading the texts from Shannon saying she was on her way.  I remember grabbing his arm to pull him over to me so we could get a picture, and him resisting at first.  (Either alcohol seriously makes me weaker, or he’s stronger than I realized.)  I remember we each tried a little of the alcoholic whipped cream I bought and that none of us could get it out of the damned can!  I remember Shannon and Joe left and got McDonald’s at one point, and I think me and Kevin had a conversation about kissing, but I’m not entirely sure.  I really need to ask him about that one . . .

I remember, embarrassingly enough, I thought I was gonna be sick that night after Kevin and Melanie had left and made a rush for the bathroom.  Shannon and Joe slept the night at the hotel, too, and I remember Shannon came in with me and tied my hair back.  I don’t think I threw up then, though, but apparently, I did knock over a thing of ice chips and a couple drinks that were on the nightstand. 

Yeah, I was more plastered than I’ve ever been.  Yet, somehow, I did not wake up with a hangover.  Slight headache that went away after about an hour, but other than that, I was all right.  My stomach, on the other hand, was not.  I did get sick in the morning, and right now I can’t even think about food beyond plain tortilla chips, and I’m definitely not drinking again for a good long while.

All in all, though, my birthday was pretty awesome.  I loved it, and I’ve got some damn great friends. 

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July 17, 2013

I am so glad you enjoyed your 31st Birthday 🙂 Good times! Wish I could have been to more of the party but at least I made some of it. And I’m glad I didn’t have to miss seeing plastered Kate.

July 19, 2013

Happy 31st. We went bowling for my 31st as well! I scored an 82. So, even though I suck, I would still school you guys. Heh. No party pics? Booooo.

September 9, 2013

Sounds like you has a blast

September 19, 2013

Sounds like my kinda party LOL. Hi there looking through random diaries and saw that you were into Death Note me too. This is my diary where I am posting my fanfic I am writing.

January 8, 2014

RYN: Yes, I heard the song yesterday and it’s a great reminder that children learn from everything we do. Thanks for your note. ; )