Number 1200 – My Last Entry

I started this diary back in May of 2003.  May 10th, unless I’m mistaken.  I really should have looked at that, since I just downloaded my entire diary.  Oh, well.  Almost eleven years, I’ve written on this site.  Its seen some really messed up times in my life.  Low times, depression-ridden times, angry times, and yet also some of the happiest times of my life.  I wish I’d written more recently on things with Kevin, things with getting over Drew once and for all, and just more of the mundane, everyday stuff that happens in life that we so often forget about because it’s not recorded.

I’m going to miss Open Diary.  I’d pretty much stopped writing in here, thanks to some people spoiling it for me and making me feel like I couldn’t be open and honest on here about my life events, simply because I didn’t want them commenting/judging my life like they had some right to do so.  Yet, I always came on here to see if others had written, and what they had to say, and I’m going to miss that.

This feels like the end of an era.  It IS the end of an era.

Goodbye, Open Diary.  I’ll miss you.

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Good Bye