Open Diary’s Back

It’s weird to know that. I’m in the month free trial, before this turns to a paid-only site, which I might not bother with, completely honestly. I haven’t written anything of merit online in a long time.

Just some basic facts — I got a black headed caique in March of 2012, after my second hedgehog died. I also have a third hedgehog, Pricklebat, and I had two cats up until December 26th, when I had to put Merry to sleep because of cancer. It killed me to have to do that . . .

I’ve got a boyfriend. I got into Doctor Who at the beginning of 2013, joined a couple Doctor Who groups on Facebook, and he and I met through one of them. We met in person in November of 2016 when he came here with his parents so that we could go to a Who convention and meet, among others, the actors who played Five, Six, and Eight. He lives in Michigan, he’s four years younger than me, and he’s got Asperger’s, which makes things rather interesting at times. I do love him, though. At the moment, and since I’ve met him, truthfully, there are different issues he’s working through that have caused problems for us. I’m trying to be patient, but I don’t deny there are times when it’s incredibly difficult.

I finally did graduate Brookdale with an AA in Creative Writing, and I’m in Georgian Court, working towards my Bachelor’s in English. I finally got out of food service in September of 2015, when the Matawan Pizza Hut closed. I’ve been working at JoAnn’s, a fabric store, since August of 2015. It’s an okay job, but I don’t seem to be able to get more than twenty or so hours, so it’s definitely not a long term job. Despite, you know, being there for two and a half years now, lol. I can’t wait till I graduate and can go for an actual career kind of position, though. Something in the writing field that will hopefully also afford me time to get writing done, because I still very much want my YA novels published.

That’s about it for now. I don’t know whether I’ll be back or not. Granted, the site may improve more, but right now, it’s very different from what it was, and I miss the old layout.

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