It’s October and I’m Happy… again.

Thanks for all of your kind notes, I’m not sure how you all did it, considering I can’t get OD to load ANYONE"s diary. I’m surprised I’m writing this. 

I joined to PB (?) is that what we call Prosebox? I haven’t written anything there. I’m not sure if this will be my exit from online diary keeping. I guess I will just flow with it.

So, I saw a doctor. I had convinced myself I was a scabies infested dirtbag, Turns out the winner is actually a bacterial infection, and I’ve been on anti-biotics for ten days. So today being day ten, I saw the doctor and he continued my prescription for the next 2 days…. so hopefully it’ll all clear up by then…. because, it’s Ottawa time! Super excited again. Here;s hoping writing here doesn’t bite me in the ass like last time 😉

Looking forward to reading everyone, when OD stops giving me the error message when your diaries ACTUALLY load.

I’m lady.danger on PB also, if you were wondering! 


It is 6:30am, and my skin is wonderful, but my antibiotics are destroying my stomach 🙁 It feels like I’m dying, the pain was so intense it woke me up 🙁 I asked Sam to pick me up some yogurt on his way home, and I took a probiotic. But man. This pain is god awful…  I keep telling myself two more days… Only two more days. Although this anti biotic has caused me discomfort, not quite like this. This is intense. Come on gut flora, don’t let me down, only two mmore days!

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