
….and I’m not referring to The Police.


New guy at outpatient, from out of town, involved in refuge recovery in his community, around my age, cane specifically to do outpatient here after a relapse, grew up here/has family here, we’ve hit it off friendly, he’s definitely cute, very much attractive in many ways beyond physical, and today we realize he and I used to play football with my brother and his niece in my backyard waaaay back when we were kids, he graduated grade school with my brother, I had s huge crush on him back then (hell I still have one now!) and have thought of him often over the years. He ends up here, at this time, with these interests, and we clicked from the first meeting.  😳.


Knock me over with a feather. And he’s hawt!  And available!  And Eric is mia again 🙄!


Crazy world.

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May 18, 2018

Wait, so you thought about this guy over the years, but didn’t recognize him on meeting?  🤕

May 18, 2018

@psychoactive nope. I was probably 7-8 the last time I was really around him, and he would have been 11-12. He’s 50 now, I’m 46, and honestly he was probably the LAST person I expected to ever see again. So nope, I can see it now because I know, but a lot has changed in almost 40 years.

July 3, 2018

@laurie_1  you are not 46!