Take your time

/>by huntylch

I mean yes, it was worth it, but FOUR years? From the single coming out, to the Album being released? Is this still classified as new music?
I used to play this a lot in ’05 and ’06. For various reasons. I think it kept me sane, isn’t music weird and powerful in the way it can affect you? Listening and watching brings back a cavalacade of memories. Four years.

In other news Linked in is up and running, although i’m faling to see the point of it, while I semi-get Twitter.

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June 4, 2009

Lol, four years? That’s quite a wait. Don’t think I’ve ever heard that song before.

June 4, 2009

Ryn: 4 Cylinder?

June 4, 2009

Well, she’s only 2 and a half and has trouble carrying the cup upstairs, especially if there’s a full English involved. We’re working on it. :op