Christmas Spirit

I really haven’t been in the Christmas Spirit this year.  This year more than most, Christmas really snuck up on me.  Christmas has always seemed to sneak up on me, but it really has since I entered college.  With finals and end of semester crap, that’s not really surprising, But this year…this year was worse than usual.  I suspect that’s a combination of graduation and my grandmother’s health.  Christmas has truly been one of the last things on my mind.

I really want to change the look of my diary…but *shrugs* I can’t decide how I want to do it / what I want to put in it.  Oh! If anyone has any good sites for sharing large numbers of photos, I’d love to have the link!  I’ve suddenly got lots of pics I want to share with friends/family, but no method I really like.  I’m also about to have more, as I took pics this afternoon of the ice on the trees (a result of the 3-4 hours of freezing rain we had overnight on Saturday-Sunday…the freezing rain we weren’t supposed to get!)

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