Phantom of the Opera (and other things)

The drive down was pretty good.  We left the house right about 9:30 and started the two and a half hour drive to the Cadillac Palace Theatre.  We did make one stop on the way down for gas and something to eat.  Right now I’m typing this on my new Tungsten E2 Palm Pilot (a Christmas present from my parents) as we wait for the show to start.  We have great seats in the dress circle.  I’ll see if I can find a seating chart of the theatre later to show you where our seats were.

It’s now intermission and so far the show has been fantastic!  I’m loving every minute of this show.  The music and the acting have both been terrific.  In case anyone’s curious, the first part of the show is an hour and twenty minutes long and goes through the reprise of "All I Ask Of You."  I’m definitely looking forward to the second half of the show.

I’m now in the car headed home from the theatre.  The show ended at 4:35 and we were on our way home before 5:00.  As I sit in the car now and write this entry,it’s 6:30 and we’re less than 90 minutes from home.    My mom really didn’t like the show, but then again, she’s not a fan of musicals.  She didn’t know enough about the story of The Phantom of the Opera, plus she has issues understanding people when they sing.  However, I loved the show.  I knew I would love it though.  I had such a blast today.

If you ever get the chance to see the Broadway production of The Phantom of the Opera, you should definitely go.  The entire production was so well done.  I am so glad I had the chance to go.

As mentioned above, I got a palm pilot for Christmas this year.  I really like it!

For those who have been reading my diary awhile, you’ll remember I have a friend from where I used to live (her name is Sara) who was pregnant and getting married.  Well, I got an email from her last night saying that on December 13th, she had a baby boy.  I don’t know if she and the father did get married this fall.  Last I’d heard, they were going to, but her facebook profile still says engaged (and I know she’s good about updating it!).  Anyway, I need to take a Saturday soon and drive down to see her.  While I’m at it, I might stop and see my grandparents.

I am now at home.  I have a pair of jeans on now instead of the dress pants I wore to the show and I heated up the destress bootie things my dad gave me for Christmas (made by Brookstone).  As a result, I’m nice and comfortable.  Right now I’m looking up the forecast for Sunday and Monday.  With the snowfall we had yesterday (5.1"), we actually have a shot at breaking the city record for the snowiest December.  Right now, December 2007 is the second snowiest.  December 2000 takes top prize for now though.  We had 35" of snow that December.  This year, we are currently at 32.8" and a shot at snow Sunday into Monday.  It doesn’t look like anything serious, but as we are just 3.2" shy of tying the record, it wouldn’t take much. Truly, I am so tired of snow and we still have to get through January and February…

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December 29, 2007

Sounds like you had a great time. I saw something about that snow record mentioned on a news site and part of me wished I was there since I love the snow. Enjoy and stay warm.