Lots to do

So Billy Budd thing has been turned in. All in all, I think Stephanie and I did well with the facts that we had to work with.  I read through it last night, and so did my dad and Philly (another friend of mine). There were a couple typos, but otherwise it was good.  Our professor allowed us to use single spacing, rather than double spacing. That’s good, since we used all of that two pages single spaced.  It’s not hard to see why he gave us a firm page limit of 2. There are so many criminal law issues/arguments that can be made from the fact pattern of Billy Budd.  So that’s done.

After class today, I have to read for Torts tomorrow.  I’ll do that, along with reading through cases for Memo 2.  I’m planning to stick around for the PILS raffle.  I bought 5 tickets for $20 a few weeks back. The two grand prizes are a 42” tv and a 16gb iPad. I’m hoping for the iPad, but there are other small prizes as well. You don’t actually have to be present to win, but since I’ve got plenty I can do at the law school while waiting for the raffle to start, it’s not a big deal.

Tonight’s project is to finish reading through the cases I’ve chosen for Memo 2. I’ve read all of them already just to see if they would fit for the assignment, but I haven’t done a close reading, looking for facts and legal rules to actually use in my argument.  Since I haven’t watched last week’s Bones ep yet, I won’t watch tonight’s either (especially since I still have to read and go through 12 or 13 more cases, and weed the overall 15 cases down to 8-10).  On Monday, I don’t have legal writing or legal research, so I’ll be done at 11:45. I’ll still have a fair amount of reading for Tuesday, but given the early release time, I’ll have plenty of time to take care of it plus still go home and watch the previous two episodes of Bones.  I also have to watch the last episode of White Collar. That shouldn’t be too big an issue.  After Memo 2 is turned in Monday morning, the only thing left prior to finals is the timed writing assignment for Legal Writing on Friday afternoon.  There are still readings for my substantive classes of course, but I can handle those.

Next week, I need to download and register ExamSoft so I can type my essay exams. I need to do it next week because I can use it for my Timed Writing Assignment for Legal Writing on Friday Nov 19th.  So I need to download it and get familiar with the program prior to Friday.  I think I will also start work on Civil Procedure and attempting to understand what’s going on.  I’ll start going through my professor’s book that I bought a few weeks back.

Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is just two weeks from today.  Seriously – where did the year go? Where did the semester go?  I can’t believe legal research is already over for the semester, legal writing is nearly over (week from tomorrow it’s over), and there are just 9 regular class days left of the semester (including today). 

As far as Thanksgiving goes, my current plan is to not drive to class on Tuesday the 23rd. My plan is to mostly pack on Monday night after classes, then pack the rest on Tuesday morning before class (the things that I need Monday night/Tuesday morning for example) and then head to class. I’m still debating whether I’ll drive to class or take the bus.  I’m tempted to take the bus and simply leave immediately after class. But on the other hand, I’m going to have textbooks that need to be hauled to my car since I’m taking all of my textbooks with me over Thanksgiving.  As I think about that now, I don’t think I have a choice but to drive, especially since I have Contracts, Criminal Law, and Torts (and thus three casebooks) that Tuesday.  So I guess I don’t have much choice. Driving it is. I’ll also be taking a slightly different route home so that I’m familiar with it should it snow later in the winter. While I won’t be dumb enough to drive up in a snowstorm, the first 35-40 minutes of my drive is in the country where it would be easy for the wind to blow the snow onto the road (and the roads likely aren’t plowed as often). When there’s no snow, it’s the fastest way, but once it snows I want a route that’s much more interstate driving. This other way is – it’s about five minutes from my apartment to the interstate, and well-travelled roads during that five minutes.

I told my mom I want to make sugar cookies while I’m up for Thanksgiving.  My dad and I are also likely going to see Harry Potter the Friday after Thanksgiving. My mom has to work but my dad doesn’t, plus my mom doesn’t have any interest in seeing it. However I’m going to be doing a lot of studying. Wednesday for sure will be spent mostly studying. I think I’ll have that day to myself, but I could be wrong.  I’ll do some on Thursday and Friday as well, but less than on Wednesday.  Saturday too will have a lot of studying.  We’ll see how far I get before deciding about Sunday.  Right now it looks like my aunt and uncle will not be coming up for Thanksgiving. Apparently my aunt has two free plane tickets that expire at the end of the year but she can’t convince my uncle to come up. I’m not sure why my aunt doesn’t just come up on her own if she wants to come, but whatever. My aunt though was trying to get the tickets extended.  If they don’t come, I’ll stay in my old room, but study in Jason’s room (since it’s still got his large desk in it).  I won’t be leaving until early Monday morning (latest I want to leave is about 8:30).  Since I don’t have class on Monday, I don’t see the point in dealing with the crazy holiday traffic on Sunday when I don’t have to.  I need to leave early because Shannon’s coming over at noon to study Civil Procedure and Contracts. Don’t know yet if we’ll get together again during the week. I suspect it will depend on how our study session goes on Monday.

So as you can see…lots going on!

"Life is measured not by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

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November 11, 2010

Good luck and I hope you win the I-Pad

November 12, 2010

I cannot read your page…

You are very busy. I want to see Harry Potter with my children. I love the books and movies.