
I’ve been on the busy side lately, though not with classes. This semester the reading load is drastically reduced from last semester, something I’m enormously grateful for. On the other hand, it’s giving me time to do projects I’ve not otherwise had time to do. I’m also able to enjoy my Kindle Fire more and do some fun reading. In terms of projects, my main project is transferring my journal entries from the various places I’ve written over the years to ldsjournal.com so I can get the entries printed eventually. Plus it’s just good to have them all in one place. Right now I’ve got my xanga, livejournal, and one of my blogger accounts transferred. I’ve got a smaller blogger account to transfer plus 700+ entries from here on OD to transfer as well. The plus side for the OD entries is that some of them are already in my ldsjournal account as I’ve been cross posting for awhile now.

As far as classes go, they’re going alright. Antitrust is my favorite by far. The rest are just so-so but that’s to be expected with bar & required courses. Lawyering Skills is by far the worst but I was expecting that. Secured Transactions is just boring in general. The cases don’t tend to be factually interesting and though the professor is one of the Deans and he’s nice enough, as professors go I find him on the boring side.  Evidence is a lot of plodding along as we go through the rules of Evidence. It’s not a bad class, but it’s on the simple side thus far (most of the time). But it’s heavily tested on the bar exam and I know the hearsay rules are complicated. To give a little perspective, I have Evidence three times a week – Monday for 50 minutes along with Wednesday and Thursday sessions each at 75 minutes. After Spring Break, we’re spending four solid weeks just on hearsay. Agency is alright. I generally like the way the professor lectures and the material is mostly interesting but it’s so hard to know exactly how far to read for class. Oh well.

On another note, I’m not sure what we’ve had since November can properly be classified as winter. We’ve hit negative temps just once or twice this "winter" and I don’t think we’ve had a single snowfall that topped six inches. We’ve not even had a week or two where the temperatures struggled to hit 20. We’ve just a day or two here and there. Of course, that means the bugs will likely be awful this spring and summer. I only hope we don’t have a really wet spring that leads to even more bugs.


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


how to help the national breast cancer foundation.


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June 23, 2012

RYN: I’ve been talking with a friend via text messaging who uses make-up all the time, and she said that Macy’s and Nordstrom both have good quality, but expensive. She also suggested Mary Kay, which is less expensive but also good quality. I’ll let you know if I find out anything else. 🙂 All 3 of those places can do make-overs as well. (Mary Kay comes to your house, if you want, too.)