Another night without sleep

Yesterday, I couldn’t sleep because I had nightmares and today I didn’t even try to get some sleep. Not because I wasn’t sleepy but because I was scared. I was scared I’d be trapped in another one of those dreams and not be able to wake up.

Well, it’s almost 6am here and I’ve been up watching tv. I was watching Bride Killa on Discovery ID but then I stumbled upon The Passion of the Christ and it was… I don’t know how I’d describe it. The torture and the crucifixion gets me a bit teary every time I see it. The movie finished and another started. The next movie was a French animated movie called April and the Extraordinary World. I’m not a big fan of reading subtitles when watching a movie but I found this one interesting so I sucked it up. I’d love to talk more about it but I really don’t want to type that much…haha I’m occasionally lazy.

Now I’m watching Everyone Loves Raymond and it’s been keeping me entertained. I’ll probably go to sleep at 7am. It would be daylight then and I wouldn’t be scared anymore. And yes, I’m a twenty something year old scaredy cat.

Hope y’all are having a good time, take care.

<3 <3

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June 17, 2020

Hope you end up getting some sleep. Try not to dwell on the nightmares and try to relax. 

June 17, 2020

@mamaqueenie518 Thank you. I slept right after doing the laundry at around 8am. I woke up at noon and then I slept again an hour later and got up at 3pm. I think I’ll be able to go to sleep much earlier tonight.

June 17, 2020

Do you have PTSD? I was diagnosed with that at 12 from childhood trauma. I was always scared to sleep I went through years of self-medicating, before I found ways to semi-ground myself.

I still struggle daily, but not as much as when I was younger. I hope you’re sleeping peacefully now.

June 17, 2020

@dancingthrough I don’t know if I have PTSD. I’ve not been diagnosed. Nigeria isn’t really developed to the level of having a surplus amount of psychologist or shrinks and if I eventually see one, it would be super expensive.

I’m able to sleep some nights but most nights I stay up late and just refuse to fall asleep.