Can’t Sleep? Clean and watch a movie

And that is what happened. 

I couldn’t sleep again last night and I wasn’t just gonna lay awake looking at the ceiling so I did something I’d been putting off for a while. I cleaned my bedroom. Don’t get me wrong, I take good care of my living space and make sure to tidy it up everyday but this time I really cleaned it. I’m sure we all know the difference between cleaning and CLEANING. I did the latter.

I attacked whatever speck of dust I could find with a vengeance. Chased the leftover monsters from underneath the bed and rearranged my wardrobe. Mopped the floor, turned on the ceiling fan so the tiles could dry a lot quicker. I changed the sheets as well. Put the old one in the machine and put new, clean sheets on the bed.

Oops I forgot to clean the ceiling fan. Silly me. I’ll do that later today.

When I was done cleaning, I took a quick shower and made a beeline for the living room. I got some biscuits and nuts and turned on the tv. I searched for a movie to watch and I found one with Sofia Vergara in it. Uh, I think it was called The Female Brain. It was pretty good I guess but my infatuation with Sofia is what kept me going haha. She’s no doubt a beautiful woman and her accent gives me butterflies in my stomach 🙂

I don’t know how the movie ended because I drifted to sleep at some point in time with a lovely older woman in mind. No lewd thoughts mind you.

It’s not weird that I somehow find older women more attractive than women my age, right? I honestly hope not.

It’s 8am here so I better get up and do some exercises and whatever chores I can conjure up. Gotta keep in shape at home because the gyms are still closed here.

Hope you all had a good night’s rest and I hope you have a great day.

Take care <3



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June 19, 2020

Cleaning is almost a religious experience when it’s done thoroughly. And after? It’s such a feeling of contentment and relief. At least for me. 🙂

June 19, 2020

@jazmynroez Oh I know what you mean. I also don’t like getting disturbed when I’m cleaning. It sort of ruins the moment for me. And yeah, there’s a great feeling of contentment and satisfaction.

June 19, 2020

HA! I did the exact same thing yesterday night (into about 5 am). Exhausting, but it feels damned good, donnit?  🙂

I find Sofía intensely annoying, though.

June 19, 2020

@thenerve Yes it feels really good. We already have one thing in common 🙂

Haha I know people who find Sofia annoying as well but I like her nonetheless.