NoJoMo 2 – Challenges Met

 Since I don’t have much to write about today, lets just jump into challenges:

– If you could choose a super power, what would it be?
This is actually hard, I am sure a few years ago I would have said "Reading Minds" or "Flying" but in reality, while it would be nice to know what someone really thinks of you and whatever, it would also be harmful… to have to always hear them.  If I had that ability I would rather it be similar to Sookies from TruBlood. That way I could learn to turn it off.  Flying would be cool and during a zombie apocolypse I am sure that it would be truly handy :0) lol.

– Write a letter to yourself 10 years into the future.
Dear Kristin,

I know that its been a rough road. You have had to deal with losing your brother, and many many struggles with rebuilding your credit and working on loving yourself more.  Didn’t it pay off though?  I know your going to look back on the past ten years and wonder why things affected you so much back then.  Just know that all these trails and bumps you traveled… help make you who you are today.  I believe that things are going to be better in your time then they were back when.  Keep that strong attitude and motivation to do well in your life. Don’t let people take advantage of your heart… We already know what Paul did to you… and you don’t ever want that again.  If you haven’t yet… learn to trust someone… In a romantic way. I know your hurt and damaged from what Paul put you through, but someone will come along and show you that things can be different, you just needed someone that isn’t poison to you.
Keep up your motivation to keep yourself healthy. Even if its small steps and others can’t see what your doing, you know its steps your taking for yourself.

-Love Your past self



My good Friend is back at it!! If you liked his previous story (I know I did!) El Ray Romero… then check out his Dead Man Walking!

To read his newest ongoing Zombie Story Dead Man Walking

To read his old Zombie Diary El Ray Romero told in first person style


Log in to write a note

::hugs:: Love your letter to yourself. It made me think too… We’ve known each other 7 years already (2004-2011!)… Crazy huh?

November 3, 2011

you wrote nojomo 2 on nojomo 3 LOL! youre forgiven 😀

November 3, 2011

Where is the nojomo where you talk about killing this Paul chap.

November 3, 2011

Regarding your note, It’s a gift ya know, Mofo makes people gigglesnort. Sometimes I have to get nekkid for the gigglesnort, but whatever it takes, baybee.