Did He Enjoy Shopping With Me?

If you’d like to read about he Dru Sjodin case this is the link to the articles in the local newspaper

He better have…I paid for his 12-pack of soda! 🙂

Then I drug Derek through Wal*Mart while I shopped for household stuff ~ not any fun stuff. Then we went to the grocery store. While at the grocery store GW called me and told me that she was taking her kids to the movie and asked if I wanted to go with and take my kids. Sure ~ sounds like fun. So I called home and asked Dick what he was doing. His answer “they want to do something but I don’t feel like doing anything.” So I said GW just called and asked if I wanted to take the kids to a movie with her. Can I take the kids to the movie? (Don’t know why I ask ~ just a courtesy I guess.) “I don’t care.“ Do you want to come with us to the movie? “No.”

Okay, have the kids get ready. She is on the way. (She was on her way right by my house and I was already in town.)

So I zipped down the candy aisle to get smuggling items. I zipped down the soda aisle and got a six-pack of smuggling soda.

(Ya know if they did not charge three damn dollars for a frigginÂ’ candy bar we would not have to smuggle in our own stuff. Then again if we did not smuggle maybe they would not have to charge three damn dollars for a candy bar. But…I bet that they would charge three damn dollars for a candy bar anyway!)

WouldnÂ’t you know it ~ we were not the brightest bulbs on the tree! We stood right under a street light and stuffed our smuggling items into the kidsÂ’ jackets! Oh the kids were not the only smugglers though ~ we had to smuggle too.

So we paid for the movie and went in. I stopped at the concession stand and bought a large popcorn at the tune of $4.80. And I tell you it was not a very large bag of popcorn. There was no charge for butter but it was not butter at all it was soy oil. Who wants to eat soy oil on popcorn? Oh for gross! So we had plain popcorn and there were no complaints. It certainly was not like back in the days at Dakota Theater where they used Real Butter! Not to mention that you could get cheese on your popcorn if you wanted it. Yummy ~ and here I go again thinking about how embarrassed I was sitting in the movie theater watching Blue Lagoon with HIM.

I wanted to take that last sentence out but left it in for effects ~ for SunshineGuy and Roller Beth.

We watched the movie Haunted Mansion with Eddy Murphy. It was a pretty good movie. I think the kids enjoyed it and they probably would have given me their opinion in the car on the way home if I had not been so pissy.

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December 8, 2003

LOL at your sentence crossed out!! D and i snuck out to the Haunted mansion last w/e. The kids still don’t know we went! They thikn all we did was go shopping. If Flower found out, she would have hissy fit! And we have to smuggle too!!

December 8, 2003

But then I think of the fun of smuggling in people at the drive in. But you’re to young to remember those, aren’t you? 🙂 – – – –

This going to the movies and having to pay 3 damn dollars for a candy bar makes me laugh. Soooo true. It really gets to Jim. While we are waiting for the movie to begin, he will add up how much different people pay for all their snacks. He will say something like…”That family there with 3 kids, hmmm, they each got a drink with popcorn. That is this much…that one got candy, and then when you>>>

add in the price of the movie…it cost them this much for the evening at the movies. LOL! Drives me nuts! Psst…we always sneak in stuff we buy at Sams. 🙂 Like Jim says…”I refuse to pay $4 for 25 cents worth of popcorn. 🙂