Ill Customers and other Crap

Saturday night at work went much better. LF did not work and but his next shift will be too soon ~ especially if I have to work with him.

I did have a new staff member on duty. I am not such a bitch that I dislike all the new employees. I like this guy I shall call him SB ~ the initials of what his girlfriend calls him which she put on his cell phone banner. I looked at it and said “who is sexy baby?” He was dealing at the time and I am sure that he wanted to crawl into a hole. But it took it with stride. So now we tease him about being sexy baby. Later his girlfriend came in and changed his banner to Lazy Ass, which he is not. He thought that I changed it. The only thing that I changed was the name he had in his phone for his girlfriend ~ her name. I changed it to The Queen and changed the ringer to Hallelujah. SB never called me by my name he calls me Boss. So now I call him Tattoo. This guy has the right attitude and wants to have a good time. He will make it! I am confident for every stupid ass employees there is at least two good employees.

TOOMO came in and announced that he is sicker than a dog then asked who gave him the flu. Guess who raised their hand? Yep me! I told him that it was better that he had it than me. Same symptoms and same complaints. That is what he gets for stopping in to let me kick his ass on the table.

I kicked his ass Friday during the day but he got all his money back later in the evening. Saturday he won on the table and was smart enough to go back to the table when he cashed out. But he played tabs. Just call me hot hands! I gave him a $400 winner and a $100 winner in a stack of 22 tickets. And I gave a lady $50 winner in ten tickets ~ she took $40 cash and ten more tickets. She got another $50 winner. Not a bad average!

On the home front everyone is recovered from that damn flu. I woke up with a stiff neck and a headache so I am thinking that I need to go to the chiropractor for an adjustment.

I had all intensions of staying up and having some quality computer time when everyone went to bed. I fell asleep on the couch ~ I know it was before 10 PM and I slept until 5 AM. So I have been up since 5. I made the kids French toast or Sweet toast as it is known to them. (When they were tiny tots they would not eat French toast but they loved Sweet toast ~ it is the same thing!)

I got side tracked and left this unfinished. I hate when I do that ~ especially since it is 21 hours later.

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November 18, 2003

Got anybody you want to give a case of shingles to. I’ll gladly give them mine. 🙂 – – – –

Something nasty is going around here too… seems to come & go…

November 20, 2003

I wonder if sleeping in a bed would be better for your neck and back? Just a thought… Glad you’re feeling better, though.