More Changes May 31, 2015

My second grandson was born! Camden Andrew 5/31/2015

This was a very bittersweet event. 

I was there for the birth as I was there when Tatum was born. It is such an amazing experience to witness the birth of your Grandchild. However, Camden’s father was a complete jerk to me! 

Someone asked about the name and Alexa and Austin said that they weren’t sure. I said “I thought you had a name picked out.” I didn’t say the name and I wasn’t mean about it, I was just surprised. Austin said to me “it’s a secret.” It wasn’t so much what he said, it was the way that he said it and the look on his face. 

Shortly after Camden was born Austin left to get something to eat. The nurse brought Camden to Alexa and I was standing over her bedside looking at them. She handed him up to me and said “don’t let Austin find out, he wants to be the first one to hold him.” Well, Austin walked in while I was handing Camden back to Alexa. He said to me “you just had to ruin it, didn’t you?” 

I don’t know where his behavior is coming from because I had never been anything but nice to him and his children. I treated them all as family. 

I am glad that I got to hold Camden when I did because he was in the NICU for three weeks and I was not allowed to see him, per Austin’s wishes. Alexa went right along with Austin’s wishes! I was so hurt that my daughter wouldn’t allow me to see my Grandson. 

When anyone asked me how Camden was doing I let it be known what a jerk they were being and not allowing me to see the baby. No one understood how I could just step back and not fight them to see him. Nope! That is how they decided to be, so be that way. I would say “In due time I will get to see him. I will be around a hell of a lot longer than Austin with be.” Sure enough!! 

I made it perfectly clear that if she needed or wanted help I was there for her ~ always. I offered to keep Camden if she needed me to keep him while she worked. The first time that she took me up on my offer, she was already at work and I would be picking up Camden from Austin. I went to their house and knocked on the door. No answer, so I texted Alexa to let her know. She said just go in.

Austin was “asleep” on the couch and Camden was in the car-seat on the floor next to the couch. I called Austin’s name, no response. I touched his arm and called his name, no response. I picked up Camden and even packed a bag. Austin did not stir. Anyone could have come in and taken his child and he would have never known the difference, being drunk and passed out. 

Alexa put up with him for two months after Camden was born. I got to keep Camden a lot! 

In the past 6 and half year Austin has seen Camden once. Alexa has never not allowed Austin to see Cam, Austin has chosen not to see him. He doesn’t want to partake in the supervised visitations. Had he started using the supervised visitation to get to know Camden, by this time he wouldn’t have to have them. 

Last night Alexa said that Austin sent her a text and wants to see Camden.


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