Up-date on Mr. No-show

If you’d like to read about he Dru Sjodin case this is the link to the articles in the local newspaper

Mr. No-show was not actually a no-show. I was the one that messed up the schedule. He does not work Mondays he works Tuesdays! And he did call Tuesday to find out if he was scheduled ~ I did not know this until late Tuesday night. He did work last night and he is scheduled to work tonight.

I wish he could possess me with some of his energy. I wish that he could cut some of the crap! He says things to make it sound like he is joking. I know that he is not joking at all and means every word he says and some of the things that he says get on my nerves.

Last night was hell for them because the rotation got screwed up. So there was only a few minutes between dealing shifts. I have decided that I am not babysitting. They can figure out how to correct the rotation for themselves or they can deal constantly without a break. All they have to do is give up one break to get breaks for the rest of the night. But if they do not give up that one break everyone ends up dealing constantly.

I am the exclusive cashier so I don’t have to worry about it. I could jump in and help straighten out the rotation but then I would end up in the rotation for the rest of the night. They take advantage of me. So I just don’t even go there. Maybe tonight I will tell them what time to go on and what time to come off. Keep the rotation straight so everyone does not end up so crabby by the end of the night. See, here I go again ~ babysitting!

Oh, I best get ready for work!

Take care, stay warm, and have a good evening!

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January 31, 2004

Don’t baby sit them if at all possible…i know easier said than done, but you shouldn’t have too. Have a great evening yourself, and drive safely.

January 31, 2004

*ryn* it’s a Visioneer One Touch 7600 Scanner. I’ve been playing…i got a few photo’s scanned onto my computer (i’m so excited that i actually did that} but still trying to figure out how to get them sent out e-mail. I’ve done everything that the help thingy suggested, but it’s not working, so going to leave it alone for a while before i get pissed!

January 31, 2004

btw ~ you know your age thingy up in the corner is going to add another year tomorrow *smirks* i just had to remind you! hehe Love you

January 31, 2004

I was mixed up on the days all week because there was no school on Monday. I’ve finally got it straight…guess we always know when it’s the weekend! 🙂