last car payment!

i’ve written my last check for my car payments today: 300 dollars.  i’ll send it either tomorrow or wednesday to make sure my paycheck gets in the bank before that check reaches the payment office.  i’ve been paying 280 bucks a month for last five years; that equals to 16,800 dollars, approximately.  i can’t quite believe that i’ve paid the thing off.  it has been tough and a couple times i’ve had to really scrounge around for money, but this is a big deal for me if for no other reason than i’ll now have 280 bucks a month more to play with –lets be honest, though, i’m just going to put that on other bills, but at least i’ll have that luxury.  looked at another way: that’s 3360 bucks a year.  that’s a lot of damn money. 

now if only i could get the school i’m attending to apply my student loan to bill i’d be a happy guy.

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May 23, 2005

Congrats man! ~raises glass~ Here’s to car payoffs 🙂

May 23, 2005

congratulations!! i’m sure that’s a load off your mind and wallet! take care,


May 23, 2005

Congrats!!!! I know that feeling. It only lasted me a minute though cause stupid me bought another car. Now Im paying $465.00 for the next 5 years. =(