Big Quiz Q451-500

451. What do you do for exercise? Well I used to dance and figure skate and kickbox and jog. Now…I…erm…walk a lot?

452. Would you rather have a strict teacher with a sense of humor or a lenient teacher that doesn’t teach? I love my strict teachers with a sense of humour. But I did have a brilliant time with my non-teaching teachers. Great fun those lessons. haha. Mr Keightley. Mr Merry. Mrs Loader. (names for own reference)

453. If you ever have a baby what might you want to name it? I have a lot of names that I love but it’s not just my decision is it?

454. If you won free tickets to a concert from a radio show and had to choose between Inxs, Poison, Blondie and Moby, which would you choose? inxs I guess…or none. go eBay.

455. Are you a good cook? I love to cook. Whether I’m good or not I don’t know because I rarely cook for anyone but myself. Although Ashley mentions frequently that I promised to go and cook for him again sometime soon so I guess that’s a good sign. Oh and my mum keeps on at me to make one particular dish for her that she tried and really liked. And…erm…Josh likes me couscous if that counts. hah and I was telling Carly some recipes I make on holiday because she’s all about diets and stuff and she says that my food ‘sounds delicious’ and says she’s is coming round for a risotto haha.

456. Do you prefer when things come with no assembly required, even if they are a bit more expensive? nuhuh. I *love* putting stuff together. Like, seriously, LOVE it.

457. Start a sentence with the words: what if. What if I had never started doing this survey?

458. Are you more spontaneous and unpredictable or loyal and routine? I reckon I’m more loyal and routine but only because of the whole 17 thing and doing things certain ways.

459. What is the highest number you can count to in your head? I guess I could go on with no limit? But I would get bored..

460. How do you go about losing weight? I don’t.

461. Do you have street smarts? You have to round here.

462. Do you have a lot of common sense? I think so.

463. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Soft scoop vanilla. or raspberry ripple. or the forst fruits yoghurt icecream from tesco.mmm…

464. What’s your favorite movie that involves dancing? fame? duh?

465. Would you ever want to become a guest on a talk show? If yes what would the show’s theme be? god no.

466. Do you like the way you look naked? god no

467. Have you ever dissected an animal? nope. I refused…being a vegetarian and all. Hubbard had a great time though. Bloody biology students who want to study medicine. All about the cutting up stuff.

468. Who do you know who is brilliant? brilliant at what? being a friend? emily. school work? hubbard. making me laugh? rachel stevens (unintentionally lol)

469. Who do you know who is dull? hubbard when we’re drinking alcohol. you don’t need to join in. we don’t force anyone to drink. but stop being so fuckign miserable because i’m having a lager with my dinner.

470. Do you ever think about time travel? no. i try not to.

471. What is one interesting fact you know? Milk is heavier than cream. Can I say two? Most people who read the word “yawning” will yawn.

472. Do you talk to yourself? Do you talk to your pets? I whisper to myself in bed all the time. And I talk to my dog quite openly.

473. Do you believe that humankind has a future in space (will we live there some day)? nah.

474. Would you rather wear clothes that you donÂ’t mind getting dirty or more delicate outfits? I don’t ‘do’ delicate. Never afraid of a bit of muck, me.

475. How do you ‘live life to the fullest’? I don’t think I do. But I don’t think I’m missing out either. I’m happy the way I do things. Why go out of my way when I’m happy with a comfortable life that may not be living life to the fullest?

476. Are you sloppy or a neat freak? very sloppy

477. Would you rather have a trunk full of nickels or half a trunk full of dimes? I’d rather have notes to be perfectly honest.

478. What is the worst mistake you’ve ever made? oh man, the Steve stuff

479. Are you in good health? I’m a smoker. of course I’m not.

480. Are you patriotic? absolutely not.

Let’s play fact or crap. Is it a fact? Or is it crap? ah what? this doesn’t sound fun. I’m not playing this bit.

481. The greenhouse effect is bad for your health.

482. There are about as many molecules of air in one breath as there are hairs on your head.

483. The Miss America pageant started out as a contest in which people decorated wheel chairs and one chair was judged the prettiest.

484. To remove a tattoo a physician can place a small balloon under the skin, which is inflated so that the tattooed skin gradually stretches. Then they cut the stretched skin away.

485. Cock fighting is a sexual sport.

486. It is the warmest time of the day during the hour that the sun is the highest in the sky.

487. Certain scientists specialize in studying cow farts.

488. The brilliant colors (reds, oranges, yellows) across the sky that we get from sunsets are caused mainly by pollution.

489. In Grimm’s original fairy tale, Rapunzel is pregnant.

490. Dracula was the first movie about a vampire.

491. The inventors of Corn Flakes, the Kellogg brothers, ran a school for delinquent youth.

492. “Kemo Sabe” means “soggy shrub” in Navajo.

493. Sir Thomas Crapper invented the toilet.

494. The Earl of Sandwich invented the Sandwich.

495. Some Chinese alchemists were trying to invent an immortality medicine and accidentally invented gunpowder instead.

496. The human body is made of about 99% water.

497. Bubble gum contains rubber.

498 This survey to the zero power = 0.

499. Most lipstick contains fish scales.

500. There are 86401 seconds in day.

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