Big Quiz Q551-600

551. What is the most magical thing that has ever happened to you? that first kiss

552. How would you tell your friend his or her fly was open in public? “you getting a breeze down below?”

553. Does a good friend tell you you’ve got something in your teeth or pretend not to notice it? tell of course. but quietly and not mention it afterwards. ever. at all.

554. The world has many secrets. Have you learned any? Will you share it? where’s the fun in telling the secrets you know? then they aren’t secrets

555. Are there any bands you like so much that you want to get their music video collection on DVD? nope. I wouldn’t complain about Incubus but still nope.

556. What do you need advice about? i don’t need advice about anything. i know exactly what i have to do. i just need a kick up the ass to get on with it. ah no, maybe the job situation. i could use some help with that

557. Have you been half-asleep and have you heard voices? you mean have i been half-asleep and heard voices whilst being half-asleep? yeah i have. wakes me right up when i do.

558. Do you have a good luck charm? yep. my minnie mouse earring i got when i was 3 in america

559. Should animals have the same right to life as people? yuhuh.

560. What is your least favorite body part? my tummy and my ears. and my toes.

561. Do you enjoy British comedy? meh sometimes.

562. Are there ever happy endings or does nothing end? of course there are happy endings.

563. What is your worst trait? ask people who have to put up with it.

564. Is the world more beautiful because of love? no…it’s just easier to ignore the ugliness when you have love to distract you.

565. What is the essence of you? the essence of me? hmm…is there an essence of me?

566. What really inspires you? sunsets.sunrises more actually.

567. Have you met your soul mate? i don’t really believe in a soul mate. i’ve met someone who seems far to damn perfect for me than i care to believe is true so does that count? is that what people think is a soul mate?

568. Is everyday a special occasion? no. some days are work days.

569. What sound would you rather hear than any sound in the world? the waves or wind whistling through things. taht’s meant to be scary but i love it. or rain. when it’s absolutely pouring and you hear it on the car roof outside or slamming on the window. ah beautiful.

570. Of the following which word best describes you: natural, outgoing, polite, quick thinking. polite i hope.

571. Do any commercials make you want to break your TV? yeah a few of the insurance ones.

572. Have you ever lost your religion? i guess i have as i don’t really have one. i wonder where i left that bugger? i was always misplacing it and now i’ve stopped going back to look for it. i never used it anyway it just got left in the drawer

573. Do you want to share your life with someone? i do.

574. Where ARE the wild things? over there *points*

575. Would you rather have a child genetically related to you or an adopted child?i would rather have adopted children.

576. If I had a birthday party would you come? if there’s alcohol and a smoking area i sure will

577. What seemingly impossible thing is POSSIBLE? the do you fit all that information inside that little box thing? *puzzles*

578. What song do you love to sing out loud? all that jazz. oh and that song that’s on an advert now “how do you like your toast in the morning…i like mine with a hug” or whatever the words are

579. Have you ever run through the woods naked and played in a stream (you should)? no. i’m jealous. i want to.

580. Have you ever taken long solitary night walks? like…every night since i was 14 haha

581. Is there more to you than anyone knows? no. i think there’s less to me than people think there is. really, i’m pretty simple but i find it difficult to explain ‘how’ it’s simple to others.

582. Can you make tonight the night that you do the things you always wanted to do? it’s 11pm. i got an hour…

583. Would you rather watch life on TV or LIVE it? watch it. seems fun.

584. What keeps you chained down? my lack of determination. or my issues with self-confidence.

585. What is the nagging feeling in the back of your head? the wife in the back of my head keeps telling me to stop planning things then not doing them and to just get on with it

586. Do you celebrate yourself? no..

587. Does everyone get the same opportunities in life? absolutely not.

588. What would you consider to be better than sex? erm…not much now it’s with Jordan *blushes* except cuddles. no, maybe not even cuddles. Before Jordan though…bags, shoes, shopping in general.

589. What evil is necessary? retaliation and revenge. mwahaha

590. What’s your favorite one hit wonder? how can you choose a favourite one hit wonder? don’t you just automatically love them all?

591. What would you do anything for? a new handbag.

592. Do you celebrate the full moon? i do.

593. Have you ever gone in the water at the beach at night? very recently.

594. Are you ordinary? ordinary looking, i think. ordinary in other ways…dunno. depends who you ask. some people i will seem really weird to. others like me will think im pretty ordinary.

595. What makes people want to hang out with you? i like to drink and am up for a laugh most of the time? when im with the right people anyway. and that’s what the scousers from holiday said…like a drink and love to laugh.

596. Have you ever felt like you’ve been a little bit too good to someone? no, you can never be too good for someone. just unsuited.

597. What book did you like that you had to read for school? oh many of them. to kill a mockingbird, anything shakespeare would have to be mentioned though

598. What book should everyone have to read in school? to kill a mockingbird. if not, just watch the old black and white film. love it. want to watch it again but i don’t have it..

599. Do you like the store Old Navy? shall i guess at no?

600. What movie sequels do you like? i dunno..i don’t remember films much.

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