Grandad, Wallis, dad, Jordan and a highlighter.


Recent News.

Grandad Bob is back in hospital. There was talk of a chest infection. Not good teamed with secondary bowel cancer tumours in his lungs. Now he has pains in his side and they think his liver cancer’s growing. I really want to pop home and see him. I know he’ll be ok for now but…*shrugs* when someone has terminal cancer you can’t take much for granted. I think it’s sad that I’ve stop getting upset when I hear he’s not feeling good. I’m used to it. It’s just something that happens. I think that’s sad. And I’m scared that I’m just blocking it out and that one day things will get worse, I wont take it seriously and then he’ll be gone without me expecting it.

I had my first day at Wallis Cambridge yesterday. Well, I had my induction Wednesday but I was actually working yesterday. It was good. Everyone seems nice. There’s one woman who swears she knows me. Every time I catch her eye she’s staring at me. It’s quite funny. She kept apologising for seeming weird. But…actually I felt like I knew her too when I saw her but I just brushed it off as her looking like someone I knew. We came to the conclusion that we must have known eachother in a past life. We both kept asking the other if they have done this or done that or been there. The only thing we seem to have a link with is that her husband (she looks too young to be married) is an optician. But she had never heard of the only opticians I’ve ever helped out. *shrugs* weird.

Yeah so, it’s run really differently to King’s Lynn. There’s a rota for each day and you switch tasks each hour. That makes the day go a hell of a lot faster. And there are PEOPLE! Normally in Lynn I’m working on my own with a few Debenhams people down the way. I told Mel this and she was like “What?? Who do you talk to??” Exactly. I think it’s going to take a bit of time getting used to it. But I think it’s going to be alright. Working again Wednesday evening so I can be properly till trained and meet a few more people and see what the late night evening is like (because I’m doing a lot of them). It’s going to be fun…maybe…

My mummy and daddy are coming to visit on Monday. Dad’s still looking for a new Lambretta. He sent my uncle to look at one in Tenerife. (my uncle has a place there and is there now and my dad saw it on the net). I dunno if he’s looking at a scooter this time he visits but he did last time. I got the feeling from my mum that he just wants to see me…weird. And yesterday, my mum said she was going to phone me today but my dad was worried about how I got on in Wallis so he was bugging my mum until she shouted “fine!*you* ring her if you can’t wait one day!” *laughs* Oh my, my dad actually cares about me. Maybe something good did come of moving away.

Things are good with Jordan. Not really too much to update there. Well something but I’m not allowed to say *zips lips*. Oh and he buggered off back to Wales this weekend. He invited me with about 2 days notice (when he knew he was going back ages before) and 1 day after I had agreed to start work this Saturday.

Hubbard sent me a purple highlighter in the post. I ordered something cool for her from ebay. She’ll love it. (and yes, Jordan, it *is* duck related).

I think that’s all for now.

Lauren x

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