*sigh* weight

1. Current Height: 5’5″
2. Current Weight: 9.5 stone..last time i checked…lost a little since then…well i’ve been told i look like i’ve lost weight though i don’t see it
3. Current BMI: *shrug*
4. Lowest weight at current height: 7 stone
5. Highest weight at current height: just over 10 stone
6. Pant size: 12
7. Top size: 12
8. Have you ever been diagnosed with an eating disorder? no not diagnosed…i used to force myself to be sick sometimes but wasnt actually to do with my weight that much…more i was stressed
9. How often do you weigh yourself? i avoid it
10. Have you cried after weighing yourself/ trying on clothes? yes, surprisingly. a few times after trying on clothes, when i’m going thru a fat period and have somewhere nice to go. once after weighing myself. have weighed myself once since
11. If you could have any body type, what would you choose? I would like to be one of those people you hate. the ones who wear really low jeans and have nothing wobbling around. i liek it when the stomach is slightly concaved. i know you can only have that if you are naturally that skinny or anorexic so…no hope for me.but i kinda like having boobs too. my boobs – 34D and flat stomach…wide hips so i look curvy but don’t have a flab front 
12. What type do you have? start at the top. chubby cheeks, large enough boobs though wouldn’t complain if they were one size bigger, not a massive stomach but extremely untoned, no hips whatsoever, legs not noticeably long or short, muscley legs (from dancing and firgureskating over the past 15 years lol), freakishly small feet and hands skinny arms
13. How happy would you say you are with your body as it is right at this moment? i dont like it. i could hate it. i mean, i knwo i dont have the worst body in the world, im just very good at noticing my faults.
14. Have you been made fun of because of your weight? been called fat a couple of times, recommended i lose weight. nothing bullying to do with my weight, just little comments
15. Did it contribute to how you feel about yourself now? just made me realise i was right when i thought i had to lose weight. the thing that upsets me is i dont have the determination to do anything about it
16. Does it take you a long time to find something that looks halfway decent on you? absolutely. only certain types of clothes suit me. vneck to shape big boobs…no high necks in sight. no tightness or shortness on the top side of things to cover belly. need to cover shoulders coz of scars…almost all my tops have 3/4 length sleeves. on the bottoms, not quite so difficult. i just have to take a lot in because i don’t have hips and they tend to flair out to suit women who DO have hips
17. If you could snap your fingers and make yourself any weight, what number would you choose? 8 maybe…or a little less
18. What celebrity, in your opinion, has the perfect body? Rachel Stevens? maybe
19. Other than physical appearance, how do you feel about yourself? i put myself down to much, i know that. i do think i believe in myself deep down but i find it difficult to acheive things because i worry what people will think if i fail. ive been known to turn down an opportunity and when Apple asked me why i would say “because people will watch me” lol…i feel comfortable in my intelligence. i think i take people for granted too much. i can be very selfish and very good at getting my own way with certain people. i become embarrassed too easily and act overconfident to compensate.i hate that i never say anything nice about myself. i can never think of anythig nice about myself but never have the confidence or determination to do something about that…or anything

20. Do you think you’d be happier about yourself if you were comfortable with your weight? yes because i wouldnt get upset about how i looked and when i do that it evolves into me thinking about my other faults…so there would be less selfhating sessions, lol
Choose: The “perfect” body or inner peace? i guess if i had inner peace i wouldnt be bothered about how i look


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December 20, 2004

…thank you so much for the lovely note left at my diary entry, “Ex Nurse Suicidal, Needs Your Help”….I really appreciate what you said…and may you forever be blessed. xoxo