Legen..wait for it…dary…lmao


It’s so freakin’ cold here today, suck.  I feel like the rain will never stop!  I wanted to take the pups for a walk today but that’s not going to happen.  Oh well I’ll have to settle for the treadmill, bleh.  I’m starting to love Mondays.  It’s the only day that I have to myself, Chris finally got a job 2 weeks ago and he’s not around.  It’s pretty much awesome I won’t lie.  I feel kind of bad for saying that, but sometimes you just need some alone time ya know.  Or maybe I just don’t want to be around him.  Weird how things change.

I used to wait around like a puppy hoping for some attention from him and now I just hope he’ll walk past me and not notice.  I don’t feel like I should have to beg someone to pay attention to me or show me love.  I’m better than that, and he isn’t worth the time or energy.  I’ve sat around feeling bad about myself because of him for far too long and I’ve realized that I’m not the one with the problem.  I know that there is going to be someone out there who won’t treat me like crap, can be faithful, won’t be able to keep their hands off me and just wants to have a fun life.  I’m done trying to save other people.~megs

Thanks to niceguyS for the good times and laughs last night, it was great just to talk and smile for awhile!

My furry kids Ben and Sammi, so cute and spoiled!





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May 3, 2011

Yeah that was fun. And the dogs are so cute!