Leap Day & Hump day

Happy Leap Day! Happy Hump Day!

So much stuff going on, it’s hard to figure out what to write about. Hmmm…

Biggest news first: Danny finally got a position in a store that will keep him home full time! After 3 years of interviews and let downs it’s finally happened. We are over the moon! This means so many things can finally happen: I can finally plan our wedding! We can have another baby! My lawn will actually be mowed this summer! LoL This is just so amazing on so many levels. I still don’t think it’s really sunk in yet. We can make plans to do something next week, instead of having to wait until next month. We finally get to be a real family. It’s just so amazing!

We took  vacation to Florida after Christmas. We kept it a secret from my family until Christmas Day. My dad guessed it. They were excited to see us and even took time off work to do things together. !!! So unlike my family. We took Jenna to Disney World. Word of advice: never, NEVER go to Disney the day before New Year’s Eve. I was too, too crowded. Way too crowded. I’ve been to Disney p-lenty of times, and it has never been that crowded. Jenna enjoyed herself immensely, but us adults were not able to. The crowds were nightmarish. Never again. Oh, we’ll go back, but never that time of year.

I got passed up for another job at work. No surprise there. I’m finally off of my "punishment" from last year, so at least I know I’m eligible for another position. But as long as this one manager is in the building I’ll be chained to my current position. I hope someone drops a house on her. Or she drives her broom into the side of the tunnel on her way home…

My daughter is potty trained. Potty trained. My not-quite-two-and-a-half-year-old is potty trained. And it wasn’t a fight, she really did it herself. She just made up her mind that diapers are yucky and she uses the potty. Nighttime too. It was the weirdest thing. I’m sure child number 2 will give me a run for my money and I’ll be changing diapers until he/she goes to kindergarten.



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February 29, 2012

OMG THAT IS GREAT!!!!!!!!! I’m SO happy for you and your family!!!! Ok, so a baby? Does that mean you’re like preggo now? Or you’ll be trying in the future?! I’m so excited for you that Jenna is potty trained! It’s such a huge milestone and a money saver! She’s getting so big, I still think of her as a baby in her little watermelon jammies. 🙂 *hugs hugs*!

Congrats on the new job for your hubby and the potty training. Punishment at work? I know that situation all too well! Frustrating!