Yes, an entry! *And an edit!

I just paid for a subscription to OD+.  I figured it’s time I do my part to save this sinking ship! I love this place and would definitely have a sad if it was gone. I’ve been coming here for over 10 years!

In other happenings, we went to Ohio for my Great Aunt Grace’s memorial last week. She passed away on March 1st, she was 97 years old! How amazing would it be to live to be 97?!? I saw her in 2009, when I was pregnant with Jenna, at her and Uncle Duke’s 75th wedding anniversary. She was such a spitfire right up until her passing. She and I were chatting about Danny and she told me to never get married because no one stays married anymore! I guess I kind of listened to her because I was never really anxious about getting married until very recently. Now that she’s passed I feel like I can go ahead and do it. Weird, huh?

I did receive a wedding invitation from one of my friends yesterday. Come to find out she’s getting married at the very place I want to have our wedding! I’ve been meaning to go check this place out for some time, but my schedule never works with Danny’s so that we can go together. Billie has to go up there next week and she told me I can go along with her if I’d like. So I’m finally going to get to check it out! I’ve been waiting to see the place to actually set a date. I definitely want to have the wedding there, but I have to see what dates are still available. I’m hoping there’s a day available in June, but not getting my hopes up, ya know? I don’t have my heart set on a specific date.

Anyways, when we were in Ohio, we stayed with my cousin and her family for a night. They have a 1 and a half year old little boy. He and Jenna played so well together! They played with cars and blocks and balls. It was so cute to see them together. Jenna followed Jake everywhere, like a little momma. She even had to "help" when Jake needed a diaper change and a bath. She’s going to be such a great big sister someday! It was nice to spend time with all of them. My aunt and uncle stayed for dinner. It was really, really nice. These are the times I really cherish.

I let them all know that I really did enjoy our time together, and I’m really sorry that it doesn’t happen enough. I really struggle with adult relationships. My parents never really set a good example when I was growing up. Gah, it sounds like such a cop out to blame them. But I really have no idea how to have relationships with other adults. They cut our family off from friends, and even family, a lot when I was growing up. They’re still that way. "We don’t talk to so and so because…", "We don’t like them because…", "We can’t be friends with them because…". It goes on and on and on. I don’t want to be judgemental like that my whole life. I want to move past all that. Life is so much fuller with friends and family and love instead of animosity!

And, with Danny being home Full Time (!) It will be easier to plan time to spend with people. Instead of me feeling like I’ve been running through my ass doing the day-to-day like normal. It’s felt like we’ve been living our lives on pause for our whole relationship. We’ve just been trying to maintain. Now we can really focus on growing together and as a family! It’s so exciting! (I’ll probably be back in a day or two ranting about how he pisses me off and I wish he’d go back out on the road! LoL Let’s hope not!)

*E Did this even show up as a new entry? I usually get at least one note when I write, since It’s such a rarity, from someone faithful. But I know lots of folks have had entries not showing up. Just wondering!

I’ve sent notes to a few diarists to be added to their bookmarks so I can read them again. So many of you have gone FO, and I really miss reading youI just want to assure you: I am not a nutter, I am not here to start or perpetuate drama, and I know how to click the X in the corner when I read something I don’t like!





















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March 18, 2012

Thank you, ma’am. You are appreciated. But I think you already knew that <3