Oh my quack…

That’s what I’m gonna say instead of the f-bomb and the s-word and so forth… quack… quackity quack quack quack… you know?
So, my lovelies, what’s shakin’ bacon? Here it is Taco Tuesday, and we are having chicken tacos. Chicken tacos are more healthier for you than beef. At least that’s what Maman says. We might have it sans lettuce though bc there is a shortage of regular lettuce but there is other more pricier heads…. but Maman nixed that. Oh well… I’m sure the tacos will taste just fine without lettuce. Quack happens, y’know?
Today I get my bath from Liz, who is a shining star in the galaxy of my life. Then, tomorrow we have the WOW group, formerly the CMHA group. Thursday is nothing special, Friday I have my second bath for the week, and then Saturday is the Santa Claus parade and then Sunday it is Babycake’s 44th birthday. I am going to sneak upstairs to room 3 and serenade Babycakes with the Happy Birthday song. I might play her the Beatles version…. gotta love that. I’m sure Kate-ums wouldn’t mind. After all, she DOES know that Babycakes and I have been besties since 1997 in college.
Yupp… back when these guys were hip and happening… I can’t believe it’s been a quarter of a century since Babycakes & I met.
I have a Pillowfort that I put random things on right here. So, if you are on PF please add me!
Anyways, g2g.
Well that’s quackin’ awesome!
@celestialflutter ikr?
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